Writer: Rodney
Subject: I’m Lovin’ It
Link: LS666 Email / 17.02.2023
I’m Lovin’ It
Yes, I’m loving this new life! A life free from guilt and condemnation, thanks to that shitty holy spirit, having been exorcised from my life — that piece of shit has been banished from my life, and now I can enjoy the pleasures of the flesh without guilt and condemnation!
While it is true that Satan’s will for his children is pleasure, we find that pleasure in serving him and doing that which pleases him — like acts of desecration, the worship of cock, indulging in what we were taught was sinful. I do those things for him as an act of thanksgiving and appreciation for the new life he has given me. And I want to do more and more of those things that please him. To do that I need to be filled with lust, perversion, etc — those gifts given by demons to those in whom they have taken possession.
In the blog, “Are you ready,” it was stated:
As a Christian, I had great authority to cast demons out of Christians and send them to hell, which I often did. Now, as a Satanist, I don’t do that anymore, of course, but I still have the authority and if you want, I can also command any demon (or many demons) you want into you remotely. If you want that, write me via the chat function and also tell me which (lust and perversion) demons you want.
I was writing to ask that demons would be commanded to take possession of me; that I might be more filled with those attributes of Satan and his demonic hosts!
Lust and perversion are certain wonderful gifts; bestowed from the dark side. Tell me more about your exorcism … I’m intrigued to know more about how you transformed yourself?
I too want to know more about calling the demons to fill me with lust and Satanic perversions to help me do My Dark Lord’s will… sinning and blaspheming and helping to lead others to sin and corruption is my # 1 goal in life now. Learning how to do this even better is at the top of my list so I am open to learning from others. In return I am beyond happy to help others to get to the point that I am at. Satan’s Legion grows every day… our strength and knowledge comes from His example. Follow Him and learn to truly LIVE free from shame and guilt. Hail Satan!!!