Feature Writer: Skullmayhem
Feature Title: I’m a Soul Taker
Link: TUMBLR / 08.12.2020 / Posted by Skullmayhem
I’m a Soul Taker
With so many people dying take advantage of the situation. I’ve stolen May souls for Satan. At graveyards. Funerals, hospitals, Accidents I’ve taken souls from all those places. Here’s how I do it as directed by Satan . You will need a container for the soul. This can be just about anything. A rock a statue anything. Hail Satan.
May the Black Witch open the Gates of Hell … Satan May I have the assistance of Moloch for the purpose of collecting souls for you Almighty Satan … Moloch thank you for your assistance. I am humbled that you would take the time to direct these souls into my soul container.
“ I claim this soul for Satan “
Moloch direct this soul … Moloch I thank you for you assistance today … Satan I claim this soul for you … The Black Witch May close the Gates of Hell … It is very important that you pay Homage to Satan and Moloch. You may also choose other Demons you are close to to help you. Pay homage to them and make an offering to please them … We are all reapers. Hail Satan.
Corrupting the souls of xhristians and the innocent is my life’s purpose on this earth as dictated by my Lord and Master Satan.
I do so through my various social media accounts – Instagram, Tumblr, MeWe and of course here.
I know in my blackened soul that I have succeeded in blackening many souls, but there is always much more work to do.
And I love 🖤🖤🖤 my work.
How do you do it?
My E-mail: How do you do it?