Writer: djfjvnfifjfkfkf-p — deactivated2018
Subject: If They Only Knew
Link: Tumblr / 26.09.2021 / Reposted by Iamaworshipperofsatan
If They Only Knew
That’s what I think about all the time. If those around me only knew the double life I lead. That the Upstanding, well respected Christian they see at church on Sunday morning was kneeling on a pentagram blanket and praying to Satan while jerking his cock on Saturday night. That the man they hear reading from his bible was masturbating onto it just hours before. The man they see with his head bowed is not actually praying, but is actually fantasizing about the most dark, wicked, perverted and blasphemous acts they could ever imagine.
If they only knew.
How long can I go on this way. It seems the more I fight it, the more turned on I am each time I surrender to the demons within. The thrill of letting go, ignoring the guilt, forgetting about the shame that will come later, and just surrendering to the demon darkness between my legs. If feels like a losing battle. I’m pretty sure it’s already lost.
If they only knew.
I grew up in a religious household, my father was a preacher! I can truthfully say that I never once felt, God, Christ or the holy Fucking spirit in me! Not once! But I feel the unholy trinity in me, I feel Satan, the antichrist and the unholy spirit in me, they are alive in me! The holy Fucking trinity is a cesspool of lies and deceit! Christianity is enslavement. Satan is Freedom! 666Hail Lord God Satan666!
There are some things that bible says that I think are true. “You cannot serve two masters”. But for this fellow, and many who proceeded him, and for those yet to come, the thing is … they already know which master they serve. The one who allows, in fact encourages you to exert your will. To do what you will. To nurture your lusts and desires. To know that your sexuality is important and good. Go ahead and masturbate, take your cock in hand, or rub your clitoris … doesn’t it feel like the most wonderful thing? Because it is? Yes, you already know the truth. Embrace it. Make it your own. Hail Satan.
I’m pleased to read your fucking succinct description of my own god-damned upbringing in a “christian” home. My father wasn’t a member of the god-damned clergy but was a lay-leader.
To be fucking honest, there’s always been a draw toward Father Satan, but I didn’t grasp ahold until my Satanic wife came into my life; she fucking set me free and I embrace our Dark Lord’s direction and hateful rebellion against the lying god-damned Abrahamic God, His bastard Son and the cock-sucking Holy Spirit.
Hail Satan
Marcus and Tatiana, I am a christain and have felt God Satans sexual pull all my life. I am divorced and am free to become enslaved to Him sexually . Please help guide me to find what You have so I am also surrender to Him.