Feature Writer: demonlustaltar
Feature Title: I want to make Satan Porn
Link: TUMBLR / 16.10.2019 / Reposted by: yesopennosecrets
I want to make Satan Porn
Satan wants me to make true Satanic porn that includes actual Satanic rituals, chants, demons, lustful, sinful, taboo acts that will show all the beauty of uninhibited fornication… If any other would like to help with this project please message me… Satan calls upon you to help me corrupt the earth with his lust and build his legion of the demon possessed so we may control the earth!
Yes I’m here to help corrupt the people of any age, my sexual perversion has no boundaries it has only wicked unholy feelings for the innocent my sickness see men and women that are repenting for there unholy deeds asking god to help them stay the course of righteousness these are the one I love to pull back to damnation for the dark master lord God satan and his wife lilith, these are married couples or grandparents or children I feel there weakness and I RIP there god from them with porn and pleasure drugs and secrets I take them to satan with unhealthy taboos and once there mind has been corrupted and corrupted they won’t go back to god they will gladly follow satan to hell, hail satan hail lilith hail Mary the whore of God and the beasts hail beastialty perversion hail incest hail young
Ray- Love your perversion email me
[email protected]
I love your callous, evil, and malicious attitude to others.
I’ve managed to destroy my wife’s faith in the Catholic Church, and I;m slowly trying to work her towards Satan.
Even though I love her dearly, I would love your help, knowing that you would only have malevolent and destructive thoughts about her and truly wanted to fuck up her life.
[email protected]