Writer: Maid In The Shadows
Subject:I Hate the Vile Xhristian God
Link: Tumblr / 11.09.2021 / Reposted by Can’t Kill A Ghost
I Hate the Vile Xhristian God
I hate the vile xhristian God! I hate that cocksucker Jesus fucking xhrist! I hate that steaming, stinking pit of raw sewage they call the the holy fucking spirit! Satanis God! Get used to it xhristians!Ave Satanas!
Voice from the Shadows: Why?
The photo of the woman engaged in blasphemous conduct and the statement which I have placed in bold print were shared with me as examples of followers of Satan who were bold enough to express their personal opinions about the xian God and xianity in general. I have no issues with one’s blasphemy and the form it takes. However, reading the apparently angry statement in bold type, if I were seeking to follow the Dark Lord (Satan) or, as I am, a follower, I would ask one question?
Why?Slogans don’t make the satanist. Ave Dominum Tenebris.
True slogans don’t make Satanist but what the person was doing is trying to rid himself of anything holy that might be lingering in his body. That’s what I think, my opinion only.
REPLY BY Maid In The Shadows
I don’t disagree with the above statement. And I am not criticizing his sincerity. What I am asking is that there are times when one must be prepared to give a reason for their belief … why they are following him. Colleagues who follow the Dark Lord often make general statements like this. What one needs to recognize is people seeking him need to see more than a slogan. What the reader my need to do is view the author of the statement’s tumblr. Ave Dominum Tenebris.
REPLY BY Can’t Kill A Ghost
Ah, a question and subject that is near and dear to my heart. A quick FYI before I begin, for any who do not know that @maidintheshadows is my closest friend in the Tumbleverse and she knows my response is not meant to argumentative.
She asks a very valid question, does the person make this statement to show they are a true follower or are they just wanting to be rebellious or wanting attention by making such an outrageous statement? Without clarification from the author, we cannot know.
I myself enjoy re-blogging such things but have always tried … on all my previous Graysghost blogs, to regularly post my beliefs and reasons I run a blasphemy blog. For me, these type of posts serve the two probable reasons i just mentioned, rebellion and to draw attention. But they, for me, are not actually about serving the Dark Lord.
Having been not just a xtian for over twenty years but having been raised in the church/school my entire youth and attending bible college, once I saw through all the holes and lies, yes there was a great deal of anger. I saw God/xrist for the horrendous monster that he is. When I turned from him, blasphemy was just as much therapeutic as it was titillating.
I did not actually begin to follow the Dark Lord for a little over a decade after I turned from god. It was after become a part of the blasphemy community that I began opening myself up more and more to hearing His call. He had been calling me for a long time, and I know he had used Porn to try and to put a wedge between myself and god and to keep me from being as strong of a xtian as I could have been.
Blasphemy went from being something that was a rebellious act and began to take on a new purpose for me … helping free others from the same religious chains I had been in myself. Posting things to grab the attention of xtians that were secretly on here because they had to hide their desires from the rest of the world and struggling with guilt and shame and wanting so much to be free. And yes, through many conversations with people I was able to help them break away from god and open themselves up to hearing the Dark Lord’s call.
Like me, they enjoyed posting these kinds of blasphemous posts to help reaffirm their hatred of god. But, is hating god all there is to following the Dark Lord? Is rebelling against religious and moral rules and laws and living as if you are your own god the primary objective? @maidintheshadows often challenges these ideas and calls out those who call themselves Satanist when they don’t even believe in an Actual Satan. This is part of the reason she does not refer to the Dark Lord as Satan.
Following the Dark Lord…or even aspects of Him and those associated with Him like Lucifer, Satan, Lilith, Asmodeus … I could go on for days … is truly about a persons journey to realizing all that He wants for us. Are there dark aspects … yes, but there are light aspects as well. It’s finding that balance of realizing all of your potential and enjoying all the pleasures He can lead us to. Yes, there is a lot of selfishness involved as each person’s journey is their own. But there is also a wonderful sense of community that it often involves.
The blasphemy community on here, prior to the Great Purge, was such a wonderful group to be a part of. Many people who saw things many different ways but still there was a sense of family and so much support. Some where sincere followers and some were at play but when you had this world where you could chat and get to know each other, you learned to look at things through many different eyes and it could help you learn more about yourself and be open to so many more ideas and experiences.
Now, back t the question … why? For some, it’s rebellion, for some it’s attention and for some it’s all tied together and still sincere. In the end why someone does it is unimportant in the tumblr world … but I think the point of the question is something that would do each person some good in considering it …
Why do you post the things you post in regards to Satan? There is no real wrong answer, but to consider it may reveal things about yourself that you never thought of … and may help lead you further down your own path instead of being stopped on the side of the road doing the same thing over and over with no growth.
The xtian god is a stinking pile of putrid dogshit. Jesus was a lying sack of shit. The holy ghost is a stinking belch.
The Dark Lord and Dark Queen are our guides. They encourage us and free us. Porn is a gospel, and they want us to sin freely.
@Can’t Kill a Ghost
So happy to read your comments above and I agree with you… it is important to not only use blasphemy as a tool to help us purge the last of the the so-called “holy” ghost bullshit from us (especially for those of use who come from a xtian background), but it is equally important to develop a true understanding and foundation for our new beliefs. Whether those beliefs are to follow the Dark Lord Satan, Mother Lilith, or some other path are for each to decide on their own. But all should know what they stand for and who or what they believe in or serve.
We were friends on Tumblr before the great purge (MySinfulKinkyWorld and MySinfullyKinky) but I have finally given up completely on that site after having a third account deleted for no given reason. I do miss my Tumblr family and I’m glad to see you over here. I pleases me to know you are still working faithfully to spread the real good news…. the news that the One True God awaits all who will come to Him and that people can find freedom from the lies and shame of traditional religious bullshit (xtian, muslim, etc.).
I also believe I used to follow @Maid in the Shadow (perhaps under an older Tumblr blog name) as I think I recognize her words from past postings. I always found her insights to be lust inspiring and thought provoking. I consider all of you to be part of my Satanic family and I that our Lord for you and others like you. You teach and inspire me more than you may know. We all share a common mission to grow the Legion of our Lord. I believe we do this by (as you said) “helping free others from the same religious chains I had been in myself” and so I just wanted to say Hello and wish you well in all of your work. I am trying my best to do the same kind of work. And it is nice to know that we have others on this mission with us.