I Can’t Stop Reading Your Posts by Ted – Non-Fiction

Writer: XP / Ted

Subject: I Can’t Stop Reading Your Posts

Link:  LS666 Email / 13.02.2023

I Can’t Stop Reading Your Posts


I’ve never been so pulled by something. Wish I had someone to teach me more. I’m from a really conservative Christian background. Actually am part of a church that considers themselves the, “True church.” But I have been pulled in to this beautiful lust of this dark side, you speak of, and I have never felt such pleasure as when I masturbate for Satan. Wonder what my purpose is now. Where should I go from here?


I know the pleasure you speak of. It’s incredible how hard I cum when praying to Satan … there is no need to get confused about “purpose” … it’s more fundamental than that … it’s called “personal freedom” … you are no longer confined in your thinking (fantasies).

You are no longer bound in your actions (act out your desires) … you, no longer, have to worry about Christian guilt (as there are no limits, no rules, no boundaries) … Satan wants you to please yourself, to express yourself and be true to yourself … enjoy life, it’s short and you don’t get another.  Hail LVST. XP.


Thank you for your reply. Beautiful thoughts and really so simple. But I am a married man which really makes it complicated. I just want to please myself and Satan.


Then that is exactly what you should do. As you say, “really so simple”. Sometimes, it’s the joy you re-learn to let go — to free yourself from complications … or from obligations … or from expectations. It’s all about you. What you really want. What you ultimately desire. And it’s nobody else’s business (not your wife or your church) — it’s a secret between you and Satan. Go enjoy.


Love your wisdom. Feels like it comes straight from Him. It seems as though Satan would want me to spread the good news and bring more to Him.


He has no expectations of you. That’s the beauty of it. Unlike a religion where you’re expected to become a follower. He doesn’t ask you to follow. You don’t have to get on your knees — “Place thy faith in thy self.” It’s an approach to life. It’s a philosophy of self-worship and self-pleasure — your only responsibility is to yourself. You are in control. You chose. You decide. There is no heaven or hell. No reward for good behavior. No punishment for bad.

6 thoughts on “I Can’t Stop Reading Your Posts by Ted – Non-Fiction”

  1. Hail XP, Hail Ted,

    Thank you Ted for asking these questions. Today i needed to hear XP’s words of Wisdom. XP i really needed to hear these words of wisdom today. Your words ring of truth in my ears. However, your last 3 sentences stunned me initially. Like you you have said in other post, i go back and forth whether there are actually entities called God or Satan and actual places such as heaven and hell. As you might recall, XP, i began this journey because of my questions and doubts about the existence of God. Logically, if God doesn’t exist, then neither does Satan. Yet i seem to have felt Satan’s presence stronger and more often than i ever felt God’s presence. In addition, certain events occurred recently which seem to be the result of supernatural intervention by the Dark Lord. Am i deceiving myself? Is it confirmation bias? I feel there must be something greater than ourselves, but i have no evidence. I still know you speak wisdom and will continue to ponder this aspect.

    Hail all of us and Hail Satan and Lilith.
    sabrina d

    1. This is the question, right?

      Are we a produce of natural selection or divine creation?

      Nature certainly is a very powerful force. Our ancestors worshiped nature. There was a time when mother earth was god.

      To say that if there is no god, there’s no Satan, is to imply that he/she is simply the adversary — but what if he/she was another form of energy? Energy that you and I have both felt?

    2. Who says that because there is no God, there is No Satan?
      Satan IS God.
      I used to be an atheist, but I absolutely now know that a literal living Satan exists. His presence in my soul, His answering my prayers, giving me everything I ask for, is undeniable.
      He has transformed me into His loving, depraved, blasphemous disciple in a way that could never have happened if He didn’t exist.

  2. We’ve all been there and know your struggles. I will suggest a fellow XP guide who knows ‘where to go next’ and will, I’m sure, help you. GarySix; look for him


  3. Ted, I was where you’re at several years ago.
    Lord Satan is clearly calling you, as He called me
    There is no point in resisting, as resistance to Satan’s call is futile.
    So answer Him and begin the process of worshipping Him.
    I hope this doesn’t scare you, but He will corrupt and blacken your soul with unholy, unclean Satanic energy, and take you to depths of Demonic Lust you don’t even know exist.
    But He will do this gradually, day by day, not all at once.
    You will love the ride, trust me.
    So begin worshipping Him without fear and without guilt.
    You have been blessed by Him deciding He wants you to be His for eternity.
    Just go with it.
    You have no other choice frankly.
    BTW, I hate to keep secrets from my wife, but as XP said, it’s none of her business. Worshipping Lord Satan is strictly between me and Him. He is my eternal partner, not just my earthly partner as she is.
    If you have to deceive your partner, then you have to deceive her, just as I do mine.
    Ave Satanas

    He will corrupt

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