I Call To Thee … by Et-Magus-Tenebrarum

Writer: Et-Magus-Tenebrarum / — from the Scrolls of Shadda

Subject: I Call To Thee …

Link: Tumblr / 09.09.2024

I Call To Thee …

I call to thee, dark ones be witness to my acts and welcome me unto thy dark arms.

I call to thee, dark gods by all names and forms by all unholy and without limit.

I call to thee, darkness eternal I cut the ties to the blood of my past I sever the bindings that hold me down.

I call to thee, by names sacrilegious I cast away the man-made faith I accept and announce myself one with thee all.

I choose to surrender myself completely unto thee I offer myself, my flesh and my soul to thee I break the bonds of this world upon me surrendering all to your darkest realms by these words embrace my acts.

hear me now dark ones accept my proclamation.

Nema! Livee morf su revilled tub noishaytpment ootni ton suh deel suh tshaiga sapsert tath yeth vigrawf eu za sespsert rua suh vigrawf. Derb ilaid rua yed sith suh vig neveh ni si az thre ni nud eeb liw eyth muck mod-ngik eyth main eyth eeb dwohlah neveh ni tra chioo rertharf rua!

I drape my flesh in the black of your unknown realms I cover my flesh in the blood of my eternal commitment to you I shall work in thy service to you and you alone ever after as it is spoken, so it shall be.

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