I Am Tired Of Hate by Son Of Stars ‘N’ Sea

Writer: Son Of Stars ‘N’ Sea

Subject: I Am Tired Of Hate

Link: Tumblr / 12.07.2024

I Am Tired Of Hate

I am tired of being seen as evil. I am tired of my sisters and brothers being seen as evil. I am tired of hate, fear and ignorance. I am tired of the false love you all proclaim to give, only to be faced with the most ruthless disgust, I could ever imagine.

Lucifer is not a being of evil. Satan is not a being of evil. The Baphomet is not a being of evil. They, as everything is and will be, are a chromatic spectrum of the light, of all shades, of all lives. They reject animal cruelty, they despise violence, and they look down on those who wish harm on others.

Lucifer, the bringer of light, does not hate. I, who shall be, do not hate. Is it hard to love each other, to see and care for each other? Isn’t that what you were taught? Yet, I love you. I love every single one of you because I truly cannot hate. I cannot despise. This wasn’t taught, no god or religion told me to love. I was born like this. I was born loving and I will die loving. Can’t you do the same?


Well, did you see my “hate mail” post?

Hate Mail by XP

You know the thing about hate is that it takes a lot of energy to actually hate someone. I have made a few enemies along the way, and what I realize, is that it takes time, effort, and lots of my precious vitality, to hate them, and to think of all the things I want to do to them — which will never actually happen — dumb, right?

Better to let it go. Seriously. It’s easy to say … maybe not always easy to accomplish … but believe me, you’ll feel a whole lot better, just to set down that heavy load. Hate is a waste of time. And I am not talking Jesus-stuff, you know, turn the other cheek, or some bollocks like that. You don’t have to love them. Fuck that. I just know, from being around a long time, that negative thoughts just lead nowhere — maybe they’ll give you an ulcer.

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