Writer: White Christian Male (Name and email address have be withheld)
Subject: I Am Disillusioned With Life
Link: Email LS666 / 19.09.2022
I Am Disillusioned With Life
What am I looking for?
I am a, “White Christian Male.” I am disillusioned with life. I wants to come under dark satanic control sexually. I am looking for a master to bring me under sexual submission and enslavement. So that I can be used to glorify Satan sexually; in any way my master, through Satan‘s guidance, sees fit.
What’s in it for you?
What’s in it for the master over me is glorification to Satan. Having me as a completely enslaved Christian male. To be led into sexual slavery that would destroy my Christianity. With the master that I’m under getting to enjoy all the benefits of that and Satan‘s reward to them
How to reach me?
Please contact me here. I’m located in North Carolina (United States) and hope to be, “Engaged,” with someone, who is “Here,” so we you have a, “Physical,” control over me.
I truly wish that I was in NC so that we could be together,
Felicia, we can do this by e-mail and over the phone. I will surrender totally to you if your the Master to lead me into a Satanic addiction and to His sexual control. No limits. Please send a way to contact you directly.
Thank You
Awaiting your direction.
I am still needing your [email protected]