Writer: Hoku Lani
Subject: How the Lilithian Spirit Operates in a Church
Link: MEWE / 14.09.2021
How the Lilithian Spirit Operates in a Church
I have never seen any writings on how the Lilithian Spirit operates in a church but I believe I know and she has guided me first hand. I have discovered how her spirit causes division and even destroys a church. The Lilithian Spirit is also associated with lady angels, as many will bring these images and statues into their home. As anyone who studied Abrahamic religious texts knows, it is a male oriented, female hating religion and all angles are male. This spirit can affect christian homes as well as their churches. This spirit causes division and even guides the congregation’s children. This spirit is also associated with seduction and the gift of Lust.
In a church atmosphere this spirit will slowly start causing division in the church congregation. It may attach itself to the ministry, but the person being directed by this spirit does not have to be a part of the ministry. The person being directed by this spirit may sing loudly during services attempting to join in with the congregation but is instead disruptive, often she is gifted with the sound of singing that sounds similar to orgasmic joy. The person being directed by this spirit will also attempt to drain the finances of the church and therefore may be in some type of leadership position (or married to someone in leadership) that could give them access to the finances. This person will typically have lady angels in their home! They can also give what people believe are prophetic messages. The person being directed by this spirit will be controlling; yet they can act completely innocent and play on the emotions of others. Putting people against each other while they themselves will step out of the picture and leave everyone to fight.
Perhaps the best way to define the Lilithian Spirit is to say it characterizes anyone who enjoys engaging in immorality, idolatry, false teaching, and unrepentant sin. This spirit may have similar characteristics to the Jezebel spirit – but this spirit is not Jezebel.
Lilith is almost like a mother to Jezebel and I am sure they can operate together but do not have to. The Lilithian Spirit can act without its sister counterpart and vise versa. I believe the person being directed by the Lilithian Spirit is typically female but I believe they can also be male.
As I previously shared the person being guided by this spirit is controlling, but not everyone will see it. To some the person will seem quiet and innocent and even meek at times , while to others they will see the controlling and loud and aggressive side of the person. Some people will be so fooled that even when the person displays their loud side publicly they will still appear to be innocent and perhaps even humble to those subjected to the magick. The person having this spirit is very deceptive!
When I first discovered the power of performing sex magick during a service, I recall the feeling of Lilith’s love and encouragement. She guided my hand between my legs, rolling my fingers over my swollen clit as I acknowledged her and concentrated on discovering what secret knowledge she would soon share with me. As my abdomen tightness and quivered, and the feeling of her offering releasing inside my crotch, and spilling onto the pew, I thanked her for her guidance as I wiped my cum covered fingers off on the church provided bible.
Again, the Lilithian Spirit is very effective inside churches and congregations. This spirit is so powerful once it settles in that often the congregation and the physical space become the Temple of Lilith. The enlightenment and glorious affects of this spirit are lasting even after the person being directed by the spirit leaves a church. As I pass a church or congregation I previously dedicated to Lilith, I call on her spirit to guide me to the next conquest.
Hail Hoku Lani
Thank You Brother Xpanther for sharing Her Words
She is truly inspired by Lilith
Jezebel represents the Darkest Virtues. Bless her memory, and her spirit.