Writer: Mercedes R. Lackey / Valentyn Koscheyev / Jennifer Quinn / Robert McClain
Subject: How do I completely get rid of an incubus/succubus
Link: QUORA / 03.02.2022
How do I completely get rid of an incubus/succubus demon that has been disrupting my sleep and keep disturbing my life?
It’s a long process. First you must become a vegetarian. You must cut all sugar out of your diet as well. Then you must replace all the curtains in your house with metal shutters. You must also take every item of clothing you don’t wear that often and donate it to a homeless shelter. And finally you must install air purifyers in every room in your home. Or, you can become a monk. If you are not willing to do all of this obviously you are either a troll or you really want erotic dreams in your life.
There is a very old phrase that comes to mind
“Do not call up what you can not put down.”
Receiving the attentions of these sex/lust satiating demons means you rank within one of three categories: (I) You knowingly sold your soul for marathon ecstasies and a fest of flesh; or (II) are a practitioner of such difficult to attain ascendancy of summoning that the days/nights of work was necessary; then called it up; or (III) you are an unwilling victim.
(I) You have knowingly and willingly sworn fealty to Hell and the sex-slave demon is your tossed bone. Until mortal demise, it will be at your beck and call … meanwhile you being open to preforming heinous acts of evil at the whims of your now sworn masters of the nine circles. You get what you pay for — no deposit, no return. Wait until Hell — you will be surprised what can be part of the parade of what is waiting for you because there is a price, paying the piper to play after signing the Black Book. Meanwhile — you should know what you called — although it can assume appearances of nearly anything, there is “the way” it is done.
(II) If you went through the incantations, burned what needed be burned in the symbol etched brazier, and drank the thrice blessed baboon blood from the chalice with hand incised symbols dedicated to proper infernal lord … then send it on a vacation to Miami or Yalta, maybe a tour of Norwegian Fjords. If you called it up, then you command it — if it does not?
Answer? Then you are a lying idiot wasting other people’s time. It’s job is obey what you order it to. Period. Sure it will corrupt you toward certain acts beyond the carnal and lascivious — inducing certain illusionary or briefest psychotic episodes, maybe outlandish nightmares … but it is a demon. The presence of the thing — even when it is away — the umbilical connection of petty human and demon eternal is already set. It’s influence will transfer to you.
Request: Lay of the “incubus/succubus” crap. If you are male, then it arrives as female; if you are female, then it is male. Period. There is no Liberal Agenda political correctness in Hell — set rules, it does it the way(s) it can be according to its rules. If you are homosexual — then tell it to attract toward you same sex corrupted partners or (unseen) to accompany you to wherever locations such people inhabit, such an individual magnetized toward you. Again, you male and it female and visa versa. Humans are malleable and easily twisted toward varied pursuits but the established systems follow their rules, not the foibles of a petty mortal; non-negotiable. Example? Do not like gravity? too bad. It simply is, not open for discussion or arbitration. Tell it stand in the corner or be a mouse and start digging to China — it obeys.
Unless you are a magician of sufficient magnitude, not having sworn soul and service to The Great Enemy — Lucifer — or if working extra hard with proper baleful sacrifices to attract his lieutenants, Satan’s, attention then your knowledge of circles, signs, walls, and barriers, the words of power, and sufficient force of will – deal with what you called up. Options? Drain it for power that you can steal andseal or directly use while it is held inert, feed it as sacrifice to something or things called upon for a chosen servitor being from somewhere else. Again, you are the master / mistress (yes — 1 or the other), so order it and it obeys.
Hell /dimensional-interdimensional, and inter-planar summing, abjuration and conjuration deal with set parameters; the magician who has reached the stage of proper naming of names dedicated to the unnamed; this you should already no — Rinse and repeat — if you were such a magician, you would not be asking the question and you would know this already. Return back to being a lying plague maggot.
(III) However, If you are in neither category of dedicated pursuits of Hell or self — none of these things and merely a victim of something trying to offer its genitalia to you (again, you would know the gender, goo-goo). Now there is a problem, one of sizable magnitude. It is doubtful that it is a succubus or incubus (you should know what orifice is being violated), a thing which fuels itself on expended sexual energy mingled with mortal fear, as it is you being raped. It could be a Night Hag, Black Annis, a wayward Lamia, etc.
There is the tiniest fraction that it is some form of Oni Demon, fixated upon a specific, exacting vice and reveling in such as it torments a human. Any of the mentioned night visitors are difficult to deal with, while being bone frozen, soul seared, and mentally traumatized and bearing actual physical contusions and lacerations. In this case — go to the religious authority directly associated with your culture and ask for audience with and explanation of your situation, requesting investigation and intercession dedicating to sending this unwelcome visitor to you boudoir back to whatever pit or Abyss trench it originated from.
Whether Daoist, Taoist, Buddhist, Hinduist, Sikhist, Moslem, Jainist, Confucianist, Zoroastrian, Christian, etc — evidence promotes any theological investigative teams to assert immediate action. This takes months – yet there will be a conclusion, if you last that long. Meanwhile, you will have to either go on a place to place pilgrimage (not sleeping between times unless in a public place – alone = visitation) as total evasion and escape, hoping it will give up in scenting / tracking you or to have permission and be housed upon sacred ground of the investigative offices.
Do not rely on idiot, petty humans deluded as to thinking they are “The Wizard of OZ” and full of imagined super-hero powers. A real night visiting thing is out for vital life-energy and unless acting appropriately, then you are sooner or later used up, a drained six-pack. A bright note, though skewed, is that if your mind breaks and seized with madness, then the stink of insanity will drive the draining entity away from you … and you might, actually, recover to later live an almost normal life again. Remember your medication.
Before I tell you a gaureenteed way of stopping nightly or daily sexual assaults by these invisibly monsters. They want to have sex with you to steal your energy – They have sex with you — You think its sex. But its really not.
They are at first breaking down your spiritual shield to be able to enter your body. Now they are able to cause all kinds of trouble and turn your life into a living hell. Demons plant stuff inside you and unloosse all kinds of scorpions and snakes and creepy crawly things in your life. The best way I suggest for beginners to deal with this problem is to read and insite the prayer found at Psalms 91.
Semen emissions only give them more energy and increase the attacks — some people don’t belive in God — but yet are being directly attacked by them. Demons and Satan. For the most part Satan and the demons stay unseen and unheard. But I assure you just because you dont belive in God doesn’t mean he doesn’t exsist. They are as real as you or me. You need to get to know who God is by reading the Bible daily and through prayer and singing religious songs religous songs .— God, he has a name. His name is Jehovah God and Jesus is his son.
We are very close to Jehovah bringing judgment day upon modern civilization. We are closer to doomsday than ever before — the day for the earth has multiple ways life on this earth could cease to exsist. A disease could caused by a global plague and kill ninety-eight percent of the earth population really fast if the right virus is created or developed naturally. Global warming, global thermal neucleur war, food and water supply in threats of vanishing from the earth by a variety of ways. Animal extinction. If all the bumble bees keep being killed by pesticides we won’t have food.
God created this earth to be inhabited and not destroyedbut tobe inhabited. Jehovah will never let the earth to be destroyed by man. Just as it was in the days of Noah so shall the presence of the son of God shall be. Men were marrying and women being given in marriage until the day of the flood came. When Noah and his family preacher of righteousness was saved in the Ark. Now We are at the brink of Armageddon. Which brings me to my point.
The bible compares Satan to a Roaring Lion seeking to devoure someone. Basically the short version is your literally screwed unless you do exactly what I say.
Jehovah condems any form of casting spells or practicing magic. Do not consult a spirit medium or psychic. These are all forms of spuritism that the bible condems. The demons will lie to you and tell you there your spiritual spouse or heavenly wife or husband. Thats a lie. They may even say they are an Angel. Thats a lie as well. Angles were kicked out of heaven originally for making bodies for themselves and comming down to earth taking wives for themselves. Mainly whomever they chose. They had children who were called Nephilum (Giants). The Nephelem lived longer than regular humans. My personal favorit Bible is the New World Translation Of The Holy Scriptures.
Its easy to understand unlike the King James Version the English is Archaic. Those demons drip a couple of drops of some unknown liquid liquid in between your thighs in order to interact sexually and physically. To counteract that toxin. Purchase some Capsasin H.P. cream. Rub on you inner thighs on top of your head and on your temples; a “pea-size” amount only apply as needed.
Well if you believe in demons then you believe in God and angels. Ask them to protect you from this. They will ne more then happy to help u get this out of your life. Before you go to sleep ask Archangel Michael to surround you with his light and protect you from evil do this with your eyes closed slowly releasing your breath until you cant release anymore air.
Then ask God to remove that bad dream — then leave it in there hands they will take care of this — when my son was having bad dream I would do this for him and they went away along with some of the stuff he see when he was a wake. I didn’t tell him I was doing it either and the next day he said no more dreams mom. I do this every time he tells me he had a bad dream. Love and light on your path.