Feature Writer: FaintingFatCat
Feature Title: Home
Published: 16.02.2025
Story Codes: Erotic Fiction
Synopsis: A shadow demon takes what’s his.
Author’s Note: Hey y’all! This is truly a Horror but there is a HEA. Dunno how I managed that, but I did. Hope you like! Enjoy!
I yawn and stretch. My toes curl, arms going above my head as I pull every muscle as long and tight as possible. Blackness curls around my vision. That’s how you know it’s a good stretch, when your vasovagal nerve is stimulated. Like a rubber band released before breaking, I sag back into the plush comfort of my favorite oversized armchair and turn off the TV. I’ve been sitting here watching eye bleach for too long but the nightmares still sit in the back of my mind like a fucked up little kid waiting for mommy to return.
Ugh. Pushing to my feet I pad to the kitchen and pour a glass of milk, closing the fridge with my hip. I rummage in the cupboard looking for the cheez-its but I can’t find them anywhere. Fuck. Did I forget to get more? I close the cupboard with too much oomph and lean against the counter, angrily sipping my milk.
That’s when my eyes land on them. The pills. I sigh. I don’t know why I’m so hesitant to take them. They’re supposed to help with the dreams. But a part of me– the part I don’t want to admit exists– doesn’t want the dreams to go away, they’re the only place I see them. They’re the only place where they’re still alive. Horrible as the dreams always are, in them I still have a chance to save them. Though I never do. Nothing I do is enough. The circumstances change but the results never do. There are simply three truths my nightmares won’t let me forget. I can never do enough. I cannot go back to before. And people die.
Looking down at my milk I pause with the glass halfway to my mouth. Suddenly it doesn’t taste good anymore. I pour it down the drain.
Exhaustion tugs at me but I push it away. I can’t go back to sleep because I can’t stand to have the nightmares anymore but I can’t take the pills because not having the nightmares scares me more than having them. God I’m fucked in the head.
I go back to the living room and collapse back into my chair, clicking the TV back on. I take a few minutes to flick mindlessly through the various streaming channels before I settle on an old favorite that I’ve seen way too many times. Maybe Howl and Sophie can drive the dreams away. Pulling out my phone, I open my jigsaw puzzle app and load one of kittens. Ah yes, multitasking cute and wholesome, if I can’t think, I can’t feel. The perfect plan.
Two hours later the credits roll and I’m forced to put my phone down. I rub the heels of my hands into my gritty eyes. How long have I even been awake? Clicking open my phone screen I check the time. Four in the morning. A deep sigh lifts my chest. I’ve been awake for over thirty hours. Oof. Maybe it’s time.
My whole body aches as I get up again and pad back to the kitchen in my fuzzy slippers. I force myself not to think about it too much as I pour a glass of water and dump one of the pills into my palm. Bottoms up. I chase the pill with water and swallow it down. Abandoning the glass on the counter I go to the bathroom and scoop up my toothbrush, squeezing a small amount of toothpaste onto it and then dutifully shoving it in my mouth. The mint burns my sinuses and I wrinkle my nose. I brush for maybe thirty seconds before getting bored with it and spitting. Who the hell actually brushes for two minutes anyway?
I look in the mirror. God I look rough. My eyes look hollow with dark circles so large it looks like I have two black eyes. My hair is greasy and tangled in a messy bun that has long since drooped beyond recognition. Even my skin looks tacky with grease. When did I let it get this bad? I turn on the hot water in the tub and let it run until it’s one step above lava before stepping in, pulling the curtain, and firing up the shower.
Maybe I’m procrastinating or maybe I’m letting the pills kick in. I don’t really know which is true as I squeeze face soap into my palms and scrub my oily face. Mmmm, lavender. Next I wash my hair, massaging the eucalyptus mint shampoo into my scalp, enjoying the tingle so much that after I rinse I do it all over again a second time before finally conditioning. I twist my long locks onto my head to soak while I soap up my loofah with lavender body wash and get to scrubbing. I’d love to scrimp but it had gotten to the point that I could smell my own body odor and well, even in the depths of my depression there are some things I simply can’t abide. Scrubbed and clean I rinse out my hair for the last time and turn the faucet off, wrapping a towel first around my hair and then another around my body.
A quick dry-off and then I’m pulling on my robe and stumbling down the short hallway to my bedroom. Maybe it’s a good thing that I live alone. At least this way I can’t disturb anyone else with my sleeplessness. Though I think my sleepless time is coming to an end. The pill seems to be doing what it’s supposed to. My eyes and limbs are heavier than ever as I reach my bedroom, turn on my fan, and collapse into bed. Even exhausted I can’t sleep without my white noise so while I turn on the fan, I don’t bother with pajamas or pulling down the blankets. I just collapse on top, enjoying the gentle breeze against my overheated skin. Between the shower and the pill I’m relaxed and tired and I finally am not terrified of going to sleep. It takes me two seconds to curl up on my side around a pillow and then I’m gone, drifting off to dreamland, leaving my worries and apartment behind.
I do not dream. Or at least I don’t remember dreaming. My body is heavy with sleep, drowsy and somehow both warm and cold all at the same time. I must have rolled onto my back in my sleep and now my back is warm and cozy, nestled against the softness of my mattress and comforter, but my front prickles with cold, the skin tight and just this side of sensitive, the light breeze from my fan ghosting over exposed skin from where my robe has come slightly open like a caress.
I shiver and go to pull my comforter over myself only to find to my growing horror that I can’t move. My body refuses to obey. Only my eyes move.
My heartbeat quickens. A tremulous breath leaving my parted lips as I try to rationalize the panic away. This is just sleep paralysis. While I’ve never personally experienced it, the doctor had warned me that it was a possible side effect of the pills but that it wouldn’t last for long, the benefits far outweigh the risk she had said. Fear I cannot account for jacks up my pulse even further. Easy for her to say. She’s not the one unable to move.
I flick my eyes to the clock on the wall. Five-thirty. Had I really only slept for an hour or so? No wonder my body still feels so heavy. I’m just stupid tired, that’s all. I suck in as deep a breath as I can through my nose and try to calm down. Doc said this shouldn’t last more than a couple of minutes and it will go away faster if I can keep calm. She had recommended looking around my room to ground myself, to take note of my surroundings. Sights, smells, sounds, etc.
Okay, I’ve had years of therapy. I figure I can do a quick grounding exercise. One thing I taste. Focus. The mint from my toothpaste. Two things I smell. The lavender from my body wash. It’s my favorite because the scent lingers. And the candle on my bedside. Tobacco and citrus. Three things I feel. The air from the fan and the blankets beneath me. And, I cast around for something else, the silkiness of my robe. I feel myself calming down some. This isn’t so bad.
Four things I hear. A car drives by outside. That counts as one. The whir of the fan. Two. The tick of the clock. Three. Hey, I’m pretty good at this. Hmm… what’s the last one? I strain my ears listening for something else to add to the list. The aircon kicks on and I almost laugh. Of course, that’s my number four.
My heartbeat is slowing. The bed feels warm and soft and inviting beneath me. So I can’t move. Big deal. I’m safe and comfortable in my room. It shouldn’t last much longer. Alright, do the last one, I tell myself.
Five things I see. My eyes stare up at the boob-light on my ceiling with the little pasty tassel I had put on the center as a joke when I first moved in. Well that definitely counts as one. I cast about. The curtains! And what lovely curtains they are too. Thick and dark. They barely let any light in which had been a must given my unreliable sleeping habits. Two. My pillow is close by, the corner of the white floral print in my line of sight. Three. What else? What else? Oh yeah! The clock! My eyes fly to it. Four!
Last one. I look around, eyes straining to see in the dark. I see my walls but that feels like a cop-out. I let my eyes travel the room, and that is when I see it.
Or rather, him.
My heart stutters in my chest and takes off at a gallop.
He’s long and tall and crouched in the corner of my room near the closet, head and shoulders bent with the curve of the ceiling. At first I think he’s a burglar wearing dark clothes and shrouded in shadow. Freakishly tall, but human. Obviously.
And then he moves.
Fear twists my stomach.
I try to reason with myself. It’s not– It can’t be real. Nope. Calm down. It’s just a shadow and my mind is playing tricks on me.
His head twists to the side and the shadow moves with him and that’s when I notice his eyes. They’re black with huge pupils that are nearly lost in the void that comprises his body, black as soot and flat as if instead of refracting light he’s… absorbing it. And just barely visible around the pupils is a fine ring of dirty looking white– off color like parchment or the faded coffee stain on the doily I took from my great-grandmother’s house when she died.
Move damnit! I have to move! I have to get out of here!
But I can’t.
My limbs remain as still and heavy as ever. I squeeze my eyes shut. This can’t be real. This whole thing is just a horrible dream. I’ll wake up and none of it will ever have happened.
Closing my eyes was a mistake. My hearing ramps into overdrive and I can hear everything. The rushing thud of my heart in my ears. My own ragged breaths over the sound of the aircon. The creak of the pipes as one of the neighbors in my building turns on their shower.
The aircon clicks off.
And that’s when I hear it. Terror chokes me. Because that’s when I hear him.
His breathing is wet and heavy and excited.
Oh god. I struggle against my own body. It’s not real. It’s not real. This can’t be real.
I feel something cold run up the length of my foot from heel to toes. Horror like ice sinks in my stomach.
My eyes fly open. All the air leaves me. It’s at the end of the bed. No, he. He’s at the end of my bed.
Somehow he’s smaller now, though still tall with long, long limbs, but his head and shoulders no longer push against the ceiling. It’s a little easier to see the shape of him when he moves though the edges still seem to flicker in and out as if something is casting shadows over him. His head is tilted to the side as he looks at me. Those impossibly dark eyes stare unblinking as he withdraws the single long finger that he had just used to trace the length of my foot.
I shiver and try to withdraw my foot but it doesn’t so much as twitch.
And in that moment we both realize something. Something horrible.
He can touch me.
His face splits in a sharp toothy grin.
I whimper.
That long fingered hand, black as night and just as cold reaches for my ankle. His wet breathing speeds up and just when I think he’s going to wrap those icy fingers around my ankle, he doesn’t. Instead he turns the hand over and brushes the backs of his knuckles down the top of my foot and up my calf. It feels like ice. The higher he goes, he slowly flips his hand until it’s just his fingertips brushing lightly over my knee and then– He takes hold of my thigh just above the knee, long fingers nearly wrapping entirely around my soft flesh.
My muscles tremble. Breaths leave my lips in shuddering little gasps. And still I cannot move.
Those dark eyes of his bore into me as he turns his head first this way and then that as if waiting to see if I’ll suddenly pull my leg away from his grasp. But I cannot. His smile stretches a little wider and I see the sharp points of far too many teeth. He takes another step towards me so that he’s standing next to the bed instead of at the foot of it. His hand slides up my thigh, stopping midway, right beneath the spot where my robe sits.
A tear slips from the corner of my eye.
He blinks. Somehow that’s even worse than when it was just staring at me. There’s pressure on my leg where its hand sits and then– oh god– he’s getting onto the bed above me. It may look human but its movements are anything but. The thing crouches like some sort of predator, ready to pounce, weight distributed through its arms as well as its legs. He moves slowly. He shifts up my body until he can settle his weight across my torso, his knees resting on the inner creases of my elbows so that even if I could move I wouldn’t be able to.
His eyes never waver from my face.
I scream.
There’s a high pitched sound filling my ears and it takes me a minute to figure out that the sound is me. I try to speak. To tell this thing to leave me alone. But my lips won’t cooperate. The best I can manage is a high pitched whine.
He presses one long finger over my lips and to my horror I fall silent. Struck dumb. My eyes go wide with fear, the pupils blow huge.
There’s a wet sort of burbling sound and then he’s chuckling, soulless black eyes shining with mirth, sharp pointy teeth bared in a horrible approximation of a human laugh.
I thought that up close I would be able to see whatever he is more clearly, but the shadows just continue to dance, all light sucked in and absorbed by this creature. Something of the question must show on my face though because the next thing I know he’s got both hands on my head, one on either side pressing in with tremendous pressure.
Pain. So much pain.
And then those long fingers, bent atop my head like spider’s legs, begin burrowing into my flesh.
White hot pain flashes across my brain. Oh god, make it stop! Make it stop!
The thing turns his head when he meets the resistance of my skull. There’s a moment of relief as he withdraws his fingers and shifts his hold. But then he pushes his fingers through my ears and eye sockets and into my skull.
I scream.
Except I’m not screaming. Every nerve in my body is being frozen and lit on fire at the same time. My head is splitting. Each of his fingers feels like an ice-pick to the brain. My mind goes blank. There is nothing but pain. And then–
I gasp. Somehow my mind goes quiet too. The pain is still there as surely as my heart beats, but I’m no longer able to scream internally either. There is no way open for me to express the agony I’m feeling. I can see nothing. Hear nothing. Feel nothing– but the pain. Everything is pain. Mind numbing, soul crushing, all consuming pain.
I nearly vomit. This thing is talking to me, through my mind. Its voice slithers across my brain like a living thing.
Not a thing.
Oh god! It can hear me? Uaaghh! What is it?
He wiggles his fingers and I scream.
I fall mute again. Oh god, save me! I don’t even believe in god, but I didn’t believe in monsters when I went to bed either and here we are.
No god.
Stop! Stop! Stop! Get out of my head you stupid thing!
NOT A THING! He clenches his hands as if he’s going to rip my head open like a coconut.
I black out from the pain.
Mmmm. Fragile.
I wake up to him petting the side of my face with his long icy fingers. My vision is slow to return. I am horrified to find that though his fingers are no longer in my skull, I can still hear him. I suck in a sharp breath and try to pull away.
No. Mine.
Oh god. No. Not yours.
I shudder, its fingers digging into the softness of my cheek as a reminder of what he can do. What the hell are you?
Demon. He resumes petting me.
What– what do you want?
His mouth pulls wide in that horrible toothy grin again, a wet chuckle bubbling up from somewhere deep within. He doesn’t answer me. I try again. What are you doing here?
My stomach clenches. My breath jutters between trembling lips. Is he going to eat me?
And breeding.
My blood runs cold.
He chuckles again. Pretty.
No. No. No. No. No! What do you mean feeding and breeding?! What are you gonna do?!
Shifting forward he puts his knees on either side of my head, his weight resting on my chest. I want to pull away. To turn my head. Anything. But I can’t move. Why won’t my body move?
He rests his abnormally long thumb on my chin and presses down, opening my mouth. I have no choice but to do as he coaxes, body like clay for him to mold and position as he pleases. My eyes are wide. My mind begging. Please don’t do this. Whatever it is that you’re gonna do, please don’t do it. Please!
I watch as he reaches for his crotch. Where there had been nothing but the deep umbra of nothingness a minute ago, now there is a large and very erect cock, still just as shrouded in shadow, but somehow more– corporeal. He eases it forward, rubbing the rigid head against my lips. He rubs the slit along my bottom lip, smearing a drop of precum there. I long to close my mouth. To push him away. To hurt him. But I remain frozen in place, unable to do any of these things. Unable to do anything other than take whatever this creature gives me.
His cock feels like burning ice on my lips. It is equal parts painful and terrifying to have this creature on top of me, using me like this. I hear the high pitched sound again coming from my throat as I try to scream and can’t. And then the thing is feeding his cock to me inch by inch until I can’t scream anymore and the sound stops. I choke as the icy tip hits the back of my throat, burning the sensitive flesh there. It’s agony. He tastes of static and rain and rot.
Mmmmm. Minnnnnnne.
He eases out. I can feel his precum on my tongue. It tastes like ozone. I scream my little high pitched whine. He snaps his hips forward, silencing me. I gag. He does this a few times. Eases out. Rubs the head of his cock all over the inside of my mouth, smearing his horrible precum everywhere. My face tingles as if with electricity. I scream. He silences me with a gag. Repeat.
Pretty soon my jaw aches from accommodating his girth. I suppose I should just be grateful he’s content with fucking my mouth and not my throat. No sooner has the thought crossed my mind than his horrible dark eyes snap to mine and he smiles widely.
Oh god no.
He presses forward slowly. Steadily. His cock forces my mouth open further and further. My jaw aches. The skin at the corners of my lips is stretched to the max. His is easily the largest cock I’ve ever taken in any sense of the word. I would give anything to stop this but it is the one thing on earth that I can’t. The head of his cock hits the back of my throat and I gag. This time though, he doesn’t withdraw. This time he holds still, cock heavy on my tongue until the sensation passes. Then he presses on.
It feels as though he is going to rupture my throat as his cock squeezes past the tight ring of muscles at the top of my esophagus. It is torture. Pure horrific mind breaking torture. Tears well in my eyes and fall down the sides of my face to catch on the shells of my ears. My mind screams. Please stop! Oh god! No! You’ll kill me!
No. Take.
He doesn’t stop. He presses in until his balls hit my chin and my nose is somehow nestled against his pelvis. I didn’t even realize he had one. He smells of petrichor. My head swims. My eyes strain. Throat bulging to accommodate him. I can’t breathe.
Jesus Christ, he really is going to kill me!
He pulls his hips back. I gasp for breath and gag on the thick line of viscus precum left behind. Keeping the head of his cock between my lips, he gives me a moment to recover. His hips snap forward. I gag. Mind convulsing where my body cannot. He breaches my throat again and this time it goes in a little easier, cock lubricated with precum and saliva. I breathe in the scent of him. It consumes me. Filling me with dread. My head spins.
He withdraws and growls. Growls deep in his throat. It’s a feral sound full of longing and need and want.
That’s all the warning I get before he’s pistoning in and out of my throat like some sort of crazed beast. His cock batters the back of my throat. I gag and choke and take him because there’s nothing else for me to do. I can’t move. I can’t get away. I can’t scream. Or bite. I’m barely able to breathe– little half breaths in and out every time his balls slap my chin.
And still he thrusts in and out.
My lips batter against my teeth.
In and out.
My jaw feels like it is likely to dislocate.
In and out.
My head throbs.
In and out.
My throat becomes bruised.
In and out.
My mind breaks.
In and out.
Eternity like this.
In and–
He withdraws until only the head is in my mouth and then he’s cumming and I choke on it. I’m drowning in his cum. I try to swallow. To breathe. To survive. There’s just so much. I swallow as hard as I can over and over and over again. Just when I think I may actually drown in it, his cock stops pulsing and he eases it from my bruised lips, a dribble of cum escaping to roll down my cheek.
I am out of thoughts. I don’t argue. I just try to breathe and recover.
The aircon kicks back on.
He slinks off of me like a bug, long legs unfolding from underneath him as he slowly stretches himself back out into something more resembling a man. With his cold weight removed from my chest I am instantly aware of the cool air from the aircon and fan blowing over far more skin than I am comfortable with– which is any.
My robe partially dislodged while he was fucking my face. Or perhaps it happened as he was getting off of me. It doesn’t matter. The satin material barely covers my breasts, the space between and a triangle of skin down past my belly button completely exposed. The lower half of the robe has mercifully remained in place covering my pussy. I look at him, dark eyes drinking up my form, and I instantly know that my robe will not remain in place for long. This thing is going to defile me further and there is nothing I can do about it.
I flinch.
Wait a minute. I flinched! My heart pounds in my ears drowning out everything else as I tentatively try to wiggle my toes. They move. Oh god.
His eyes find mine. For just a moment we stare at each other, his slash of a mouth slack and turned down just a little at the corners.
And then I’m off the bed in a shot. I lunge for the door, my fingers barely caressing the cold metal before there’s an almighty yank on my loose hair. My head stops moving but my feet do not. I hit the floor with an audible grunt, the air knocked from my lungs. Seconds tick by and I struggle to regain my breath.
He leans over me. I don’t know how I can tell, but his eyes look angry. There’s nothing really different about them from before. They’re still fathomless pools of darkness but there’s an undefinable something there, like a glint. A very dangerous glint.
“Please let me go.” I say, forcing the words past my bruised and battered throat.
I try to scramble up and for the door but he just maintains his hold on my hair, slowly wrapping the length of it around his hand until it’s fisted harshly at the base of my skull. He crouches over me. I can feel his wet breath caressing my skin like an icy sea spray.
“No–” I whimper.
He pulls. Now.
“Please–” Tears gather in the corners of my eyes. “Please don’t do this– let me go–”
I flinch but do as I’m told, slowly peeling myself off the floor until I stand before him, trembling. My breaths are ragged, frightened little gasps and I try not to look at him but he tightens his grip in my hair and forces my head back so that he can glower down at me. We’re chest to chest. His arm cages me in, the smell of petrichor overwhelms me. He towers over me. And then he’s caressing my face again with the hand not tangled in my hair. It’s confusing as hell, the juxtaposition of harsh and gentle. I try to jerk away.
He makes a sound in the back of his throat that sounds an awful lot like a snarl. Mine.
Another snarl. The hand petting me shifts to cupping my cheek, his spidery fingers tracing along my jaw. Slowly. Deliberately. He drags his fingers forward along my jaw, his thumb forcing my mouth open.
I try to fight him– to jerk away– to shut my mouth, but it’s pointless. Fear and revulsion make a potent mix in my chest.
He holds me easily in his grasp and then his fingers are pushing into my mouth as if he’s going to pull the top of my skull off my mandible. The pads of his finger press upward. My eyes widen with shock and horror. Oh god, not again.
White-hot searing pain consumes my being as his fingers burrow into the roof of my mouth and into my brain. My eyes roll back in my head. My body goes limp, the only thing holding me up is his hands. The pain only increases. My nerves are screaming as he probes inside my brain. Searching for something–
I wake groggily. It takes several long minutes before I even realize that I’m back on the bed. My robe is gone. The cool air from the aircon makes my nipples harden into little peaks and I have never been so aware of my own skin before in my life. Gooseflesh pebbles across my breasts and stomach. Fuck, my head hurts. I open my eyes slowly at first but when they see him looming over me again, sharp toothy smile in place, they fly open in a hurry. I scream around the hand in my mouth.
My scream cuts off. My pupils blow out until my eyes are nearly black, only a tiny sliver of green left around the outside. I can hear and see and feel everything. He smiles and eases his hand from my mouth, trailing the spit slick digits down my chest between my breasts. My nipples tighten and a moan escapes me.
What the fuck?
His hand trails back up until it can wrap around my throat, long fingers squeezing gently like a collar as he brings his mouth to mine. His kiss is hard and possessive. He sweeps his tongue past my lips dominating me and to my abject horror, I love every second of it. I open for him. Pant into his mouth. Breathe in the sweet scent of rot, the taste of ichor.
He trails an icy hand along my skin. Fingers pluck my nipples. Tweak them.
I moan. He pulls harder and swallows my cries of pain.
His sharp teeth nip at my lower lip. The taste of copper floods my mouth as he coaxes my tongue into his and suckles it. He gives my breast a sharp, possessive squeeze before abandoning it, trailing ice down my stomach, to my mound, and–
He pulls back from the kiss, wet breath ragged, lips red with blood. My blood. My lips ache but somehow I want more. I whine and tilt my pelvis up, searching for friction where I need it most. He chuckles at me and nuzzles into my neck, licking the skin there. His tongue makes my skin tingle with electricity.
His fingers tickle nonsense trails all along my thighs which I spread lewdly for him, hoping he will touch me where I need it the most. He doesn’t. He just laughs into my throat and then proceeds to nip at the skin there too before latching on and sucking. I arch. My cunt throbs with need, clenching on nothing. I’ve never felt so empty before in my life.
Somewhere in the back of my mind there’s a part of me screaming that this is wrong. That the scent of rain and rot is wrong. That I don’t want this thing, this demon, to fuck me; except– my brain goes kind of fuzzy– I really do. I need him to. I need him to fuck me hard until I can’t see straight. I want him to break me. I want his cock to fill me up and fuck me into oblivion. And then I want him to fill me with his seed.
Yes. Yes! Yes! I need you! “Please–”
I cry out in anguish. Why is he torturing me! I have never wanted anything so badly in my life. Never needed someone the way I need him. His fingers tease me. They trail fire and ice along my thighs, up the crease of my leg, through the short hairs on my mound. They ghost lower, barely stroking the slit between my lips. Up one side and down the other. My clit throbs.
“Please– Oh god–”
No god.
“Please–” My hips list upward but his touch remains feather light. It’s not enough. I’m being driven insane.
Only me.
“Yes!” I say and the words feel strange like they’re not mine, but they’re coming from my throat. “Yes! You– You’ll be my god!”
The demon purrs and licks the tiny cuts he’s inflicted on my neck.
“Please fuck me–”
He slips one finger past my lips and runs it up my slick slit collecting the wetness there. He rubs it over the swollen edges of my clit tracing lines and ridges lightly, driving me insane with his feather light touch. My need has become an ache.
“Please–” I beg, “Please– I need–”
Graceful like a spider he crawls down my body, trailing nips and kisses along the way. He pauses to lavish first one nipple with his tongue and then the other. Smiling wickedly up at me he closes his lips and sucks. I nearly come undone. It’s too much. And it’s not enough.
He bites. I scream.
Suckling directly from my tit he drinks my blood, cold tongue lavishing the sensitive peak with attention, soothing away the sting. My head moves back and forth against the bed. My hips arch. Stomach clenches.
“More. More. More. More. More.” I say it like a mantra. How could I have gotten to this point? How could I want him? My mind spins.
Yes. Yes. He’s my god. He’s my everything. I remember now. I worship him. I give him all of me. I spread my legs impossibly wide for him as he trails kisses lower across my belly and mound. He pauses right above my cunt, his wet breath feels like a kiss. But then I look down, his black tongue pokes out and then he laves it up my slit and I tremble. He does kiss me then and he’s just as dominating and possessive kissing my cunt as he had been kissing my mouth.
I moan loudly and clench on nothing. Almost as if he can read my mind he uses a finger to tease my opening, never really pushing in, just making my moan and buck. He pets me much like he had on my cheek down the seam of my core. He presses against the ring of muscles and then withdraws. Pushes in less than an inch and withdraws.
I cry with need. I’m shaking. Trembling. Arching and moaning. “Please–”
He sinks his teeth into my pussy and drinks deep, sucking on my clit while shoving two fingers as deep as they’ll go.
I cum with a scream. White spots dance before my eyes. Pain and pleasure mix to dance along my nerves. My back bends near to breaking as I arch off the bed. And all the while he laps at my clit, taking my blood and my pleasure while he fucks more and more out of me with his fingers.
He gives me one last lick and releases me, retracting his fingers when I collapse limply on the bed. I stare dazedly at him, as he smiles at me, my head swimming. He lets me breathe. Pets his hands along my inner thighs. Occasionally he runs a thumb over my clit and I convulse, the pleasure too great, my cunt too sensitive.
I doze. Exhaustion pulls me under and I drift in the place between waking and sleeping. The dreams feel like a lost memory now. Devotion for my new god has taken their place. Nothing else exists. A smile tugs my lips.
The bed dips between my legs and I feel the solid coldness of him against my inner thighs. Sleep peels back around the edges a little as I lie there limp and pliable. He slides his cock through the wetness coating my pussy and I twitch every time he presses against my clit. God, I want him.
“Mmmm.” I hum without opening my eyes. “You feel so good.”
“Yours.” I agree.
MINE. He pushes in in one powerful thrust.
My eyes fly open. I have never been so full before and it is sweet agony. My cunt feels near to breaking in two, stretched to capacity over his thick cock. Thank god he’s only about eight inches long because I don’t think I would be able to take any more than that. Even so the head of his cock pushes against my cervix painfully but then he adjusts his angle and I see stars.
“Ah!” I cry out, pussy clenching involuntarily.
He growls and withdraws a little before snapping his hips forward with punishing strength. He fucks into me then. No warm up. No waiting for me to adjust. Just grabs my hips with those long fingered hands and fucks into me ruthlessly. His thrusts are short and powerful, driving the head of his cock right into my g-spot. His pelvis grinds against my clit as if he was made for giving me pleasure.
I tilt my head back and moan. My hands fist in the sheets trying to anchor me in place. My breaths rip from my throat and my mouth goes dry as I cry out for him. My muscles strain. Everything in me pulls tight like a rubber band as my pleasure builds. More and more and more. Every thrust drives me higher until I can think of nothing except for how good this feels. How I would do anything to be able to have this forever.
A hand wraps around my throat cutting off my air.
My eyes fly open, the question dying on my lips as I see his face right before mine. He adjusts his hold, hiking my legs up over his arms and fucking me wide open. My head spins. My eyes roll. I can’t breathe. I’m going to pass out or die or–
I cum for the second time. I fall apart shuddering on his dick. He doesn’t stop. Doesn’t slow down. Just keeps pistoning in and out of me pulling more and more broken cries from my lips. He relaxes his hand but doesn’t release me. Instead his thumb and forefinger frame my face, forcing me to look at him and for the first time I really see him. I don’t know how I didn’t see it before, but he is beautiful.
He isn’t covered in shadow. He is shadow. He is darkness. His skin is black as night. In fact, all of him is black as night. Everything except the whites of his eyes and those sharp pointy teeth. He has high regal cheekbones and a strong jaw. Thick, lush hair. Smooth obsidian skin. And those eyes– they’re beautiful. They draw me in and threaten to consume me just like the light. I want to get lost in their depths and the look he’s giving me is promising me that I will too. He’s tall and lithe with long muscles and limbs that stretch just a little beyond uncanny. I want to belong to him.
You do.
I shiver with pleasure. I do.
He continues to fuck me. My god– he has incredible stamina. I melt in his arms as he kisses me, swallowing my gasps and cries. I can taste myself on his tongue. Incredibly it just turns me on even more. I suck his tongue into my mouth and suckle it like a sweet. Fuck he tastes good. Forbidden and sweet and– oh– oh– oh–
His hips stutter and he cums inside me with a feral growl pumping his cum deep into my womb. I can feel it inside me, filling me up, marking me. His scent envelopes me. Wraps around me like a warm blanket and I float on a cloud of endorphins wrapped up in his strong, beautiful arms.
With what I am coming to recognize as his characteristic slow grace he releases my legs and eases his cock from my pussy. I can feel his cum ooze out after his cock. I whine in my throat feeling empty and bereft. He just chuckles and spreads a hand over my belly possessively.
I huff a little laugh. I never really wanted kids before now, but suddenly it is the only thing I can think of. “Will I–?”
He smiles his sharp smile at me and gathers me in his arms. Maybe.
“Fuck me again?”
He laughs at me and it is such a beautiful sound that I stare at him in wonder. As if I weigh nothing, he lifts me off the bed and into his arms. I cling to him as he carries me over by my closet where the shadows are darkest. I expect to meet wall, to be stopped by the corporeal, but we pass into shadow. Darkness envelopes us and for the first time in my life, I feel like I’m exactly where I belong.
“Where are you taking me?” I ask him, resting my tired head on his shoulder.
He only says one word for a response, but it is the most beautiful word I can think of: