Writer: Beast666
Subject: Hold True To Yourself
Link: TUMBLR / 28.08.2022
Hold True To Yourself
Growing inside and out. Truly seeing the mind grow in all areas. Study everything about Luciferianism. Try to build a system within to become more enlighten. Let your eyes gaze upon the sigil of Lucifer. Your heart should maintain steady beliefs and your mind have constant thoughts on father. Honor Lucifer more then your earthy parents. Remember his ways are best. His thoughts are above yours, so yes, follow his advice. Follow his deeds. When you notice him doing something — pay attention — always keep your devotion as number one. Try and signal each event in your life.
Prayer to the Almighty King of Hell
We call thee to manifests your will. Unto nights of chaos. we seek thee to lead us. Through outer darkness, we ask thine light guides us. Through the valleys and mountain tops, we ask thee to manifests. Into this world I pray you would make me a vessel. Unto death I ask you guide me to hell. I ask protection over my life, for I devote my soul to thee. King Lucifer — Morningstar — I invoke the Lightbearer. I call the Great Dragon. I summon king and lord of light. I beckon thee lord of darkness fill me shining one illuminate my path … that I may seen thine ways through never ending darkness, Hail Lucifer.