Writer: Hail-Satan666
Subject: Hello Christian
Link: Tumblr / 18.02.2023
Hello Christian
Obviously your God cannot give you what you need, or what is the reason why you are here again? Even though you are plagued by those damn guilt feelings and have been taught that the satanic is evil, you are here again. Why do you think?
I’ll tell you, “Because here you can see satanic porn images and read satanic prayers and confessions that make you incredibly horny.”
And yes, they make you horny, and do you know why?
“Because there are demons here just waiting to enter you to make you even hornier.”
They are also the ones that make you desire the Dark Lord, and soon you will be ready to renounce the bastard and submit to the Dark Lord.
”You will! Satan is the Lord of Darkness and he’s waiting for you, Christ, because he wants you to bring his realm forward; and by the way you’re going to get a lot more horny and perverted and he’s going to take away that fucking morality and fucking guilt.”
What are you waiting for, Christian? Do it and do it now.
Say, “I, (name your full name), consecrate my life, body, soul and spirit to you today and I ask you through your spirit for a satanic rebirth! Thank you, Satan, for choosing and calling me to be your child. Nema”
Praise Satan!! Thank you for bringing me my satanic girlfriend!!
Hello Mr Gary Sturrock and I know you are very Pleased with your Satanic Girlfriend and I wish I had a Satanic Girlfriend that I can do whatever we want to
I promise you he will send her to you in most likely way so DO NOT give up because she was praying to our Dark Lord as well as I was. DO NOT GIVE UP!! MY BROTHER AND SISTERS!!
Thank you. This is what I needed to leave the catholic trinity behind and choose to follow Satan and his demons.
Follow your own path … it is Satan’s way! XP
Thank you that’s what I need to read to break these catholic chains of guilt
Praise Satan! If I can help you in your journey let me know.
Any help would be appreciated, but you should know I’m racked with guilt just coming this far.
No disrespect Denise but when Satan blessed me I had and never had quilt … Damn I’m so enamored with our dark lord I wake up from my sleep praising him as I do before sleep. Denise, my respect for you runs deep, please keep me in your prayers.
None taken. You’re in my prayers
Thankyou for the welcome
Denise,would you like to worship our Lord to gather?
Welcome Denise to the path of Truth…. a Truth found in the Darkness. I would love to chat with you and offer any assistance I can to help you overcome the shame and guilt.
[email protected]