Writer: Polishpiggay
Subject: Hell, What A Beautiful Place
Link: Tumblr / 25.11.2023 / Re-up by Satanicdemon63
Hell, What A Beautiful Place
What a wonderful world, prepared for me by Satan. What an eternal damnation offered to me by Satan. Hell awaits me with Satan and his demons. Hell awaits me with eternal damnation in Satan’s hellish kingdom, in my final home. Hell awaits me with my sisters and brothers, with all sinners, damned like me. Hell awaits me with all possible evil, curse, hatred, perversion, blasphemy, profanation, debauchery, and the mortal final sin — not forgiven by fucking God.
Nothing is beyond me. Everything is here for me. But first, after my life in this world at the time of death, I must go to Satan. I must go to Hell I must be damned in Hell. Hell, and damnation are my goal, my destination, and my vocation. It’s this what Satan wants for me. I’m sure I will go to Hell when I die. How I can be sure to be damned in Hell, to my personal place is reserved in Hell for me? How do I know it? How I can be sure of it? I trust Satan. I believe in the promise of Satan. Satan loves me with “Devil Love.”
Satan wants my damnation. He wants my burning in hellish fire and my newborn as the damned soul, as the demon in Hell. I’m sure my eternal damnation in Hell through: my mortal final sin — not forgiven by fucking God. In my life in the world. I made an important decision to: renounce the fucking God as my creator and God. Reject motherfucker Son of God, Jesus fucking Christ as my salvation. And reject his fucking salvation in heaven and his useless pity and grace of forgiveness and mercy. Deny the Holy shit Spirit as the source of holiness.
I choose Satan as my one and true God Lord Savior from Hell. I love Satan, and for this reason; I fuck God, I fuck Jesus Christ, I fuck the Holy Spirit. This solemnly and irrevocably, finally my credo, committed in the eyes of God, my ultimate mortal sin, my eternal damnation in Hell. This solemnly-made credo in Satan is my hellish salvation. I’m sure to be damned in Hell, through blasphemy, profanation, and most importantly through the performance of Satanic rituals — these rituals made me completely the property of Satan and I unite and belong to Satan.
My place in Hell is guaranteed to me after my death. I have to guarantee myself a place in Hell, and I will come back to Hell with the dark path to my eternal damnation. I’m proud to be a damned sinner. I’m proud to be a son of Satan. Satan considered me worthy of himself and his devils. I’m proud to be coming to Hell. I’m proud to be worthy of Satan and eternal damnation. Nema. Hail Satan. Hail, Hellish Savior.
Yes, only damnation for us. The Devil and his demons await us in Hell. I have renounced rotten Christ for a long time and I belong to the Devil and hell. I’m sure that the Devil prepares my place in Hell and when I die in hatred fucking the Devil will here at my side to drag me into Hell. Hey, you fucking Christ look bitch. I’m in Hell and I’m damned the Devil at my side. Damnation. Damnation. I’m proud to be Damned. I’m proud to belong to Satan. I’m proud to reject fucking god and Trinity fucking heaven and salvation. I’m proud to join the Devil and his demons in Hell to be damned. Nema.