Writer: Hoku Lani
Subject: Hedonism
Link: Tumblr / 07.05.2024
The word “hedonism” comes from the ancient Greek for “pleasure”. Psychological or motivational hedonism claims that only pleasure or pain motivates us. Ethical or evaluative hedonism claims that only pleasure has worth or value and only pain or displeasure has devalued or the opposite of worth.
Lilith has shown me that nature has placed humankind under the influence of two motivations — pain or pleasure — it is for them alone to point out what we ought to do, as well as to determine what we shall do.
In general, pleasure includes all pleasant feelings or experiences: contentment, delight, ecstasy, elation, enjoyment, euphoria, exhilaration, exultation, gladness, gratification, gratitude, joy, liking, love, relief, satisfaction, tranquility, and so on. These are associated with the enjoyment of sexual energy.
Pain or displeasure is understood as including or as included in all unpleasant experiences or feeling associated with following any of the Abrahamic religions such as ache, agitation, agony, angst, anguish, annoyance, anxiety, apprehensiveness, boredom, chagrin, dejection, depression, desolation, despair, desperation, despondency, discomfort, discombobulation, discontentment, disgruntlement, disgust, dislike, dismay, disorientation, dissatisfaction, distress, dread, enmity, ennui, fear, gloominess, grief, guilt, hatred, horror, hurting, irritation, loathing, melancholia, nausea, queasiness, remorse, resentment, sadness, shame, sorrow, suffering, sullenness, throb, terror, unease, vexation, and so on.
Whether such pleasure-displeasure parallels hold is a significant further issue, touched upon only when one applies critical thinking. If one path produces positive feelings and another only pain and suffering, why would someone choose the latter? To put it another way, if The Dark Goddess equals pleasure and enlightenment and Yahweh only death, suffering, guilt, and slavery, why do over a billion people subject themselves to the darkness of Abrahamic religions?
What sort of entity is pleasure or pain? I know that Lilith represents all things desired Yahweh all things that hurt. These issues about the nature of pleasure and displeasure are the Slant and Convoluted Serpents as they lean on the nature and merits of various forms of hedonism. Mesotheism, Lucifarian, Agnostic … just call me a Hedonist.
Hoku makes it all sound so rational, right? It makes perfect sense. “Hedonism” forever!
Why is it that the Abrahamic religion spends so much time and energy on sufferance, pain, and punishment … for fucks sake, they glorify a god that supposedly allowed the crucifixion of his only son! What a great father, right? It’s all bullocks.
To me, it is also a reminder that life is very short. It’s about 5,000 weeks (that’s an average life span of 75 years). We only have what we have; and we should spend our time here, enjoying it, celebrating it, sharing it — rather than hoping and praying for a “better” afterlife. It’s such a waste. Why wallow in guilt and unhappiness, because you don’t conform to what you’re told is expected?
Don’t waste a second of your precious life concerning yourself with the opinions of others (as opinions are like assholes, everyone has one, and some just stink). It’s your life (the only one you’ll get) — to me “hedonism” can be a form of self-appreciation or self-love — your journey to happiness and contentment. Let someone else carry that cross … Lay down the heavy burden that others place upon you. It’s your time.
Hail Lycan Rex — she certainly is a beautiful scribe — and her wisdom is great
they gather of others what doesn’t belong of themselves with no remorse of the respective value they have no worth for sharing but only telling those of the own that they didn’t receive as they know the loss they do not keep of any this!
Also as they may call us name of materials when the acquisition of subject and form is having everything hidden safety treasure can’t be used and abused when they are the hideously crimes of claims that can’t be owned by knowing others as fault of self storage disease of power and authority that corrupted theft is not available for innocence subjects of having the truths that cursive predator is the false disguise condemned forever this is because of reality.
because this is takes of stolen materials away hidden safely as treasure that was given as gifted innocence awareness of the opposing is truths probably very hedious indeed when the theft is taken and the crime returning as they are nothing of doing but the call of name that has no effect as wrong the guilty is pleasures of defence labels that fit the crime in a very hideous manner is the enemy of all sinners pass on the same punishment the judgement of conviction has no mercy.
never the less stolen was taken by what they are of being hideous indeed the innocence returning the crime is like hidden safety forever as truth is crime that no mercy is the gift for the false owner of crime another theft that not owned by truths of passings leaves me very realistic about giving nothing away.
forgive me being tempted returning the truth as hediously as the manner was taken of stolen innocence that now gives in return the punishment of believe that judgements are truths stolen by crimes of the guilty do you own the I have Or do they take they do not gifts of others away.Mever was the throne the judgement of truth by way of false crimes theft returning punishment is pleasure that had no mercy on the God pretending books of history pages returning forever nothing like the hell of a challenge the gift no theft takes instead!
The girl in the photo is delightful.