Writer: Irina Nola / Past Life Regression Therapist
Subject: Has it been known for a demon and a human to be soulmates?
Link: QUORA / 29.08.2021
Has it been known for a demon and a human to be soulmates?
No, demons do not have human incarnations, they only exist in the low astral plane. You can not be soulmates with demons, but you can have astral sex with them — incubus or succubus — and they will suck the energy from you via dream-sex, pretending to be some rock star or an actress in your dreams.
Soulmates are human, and they reincarnate with you in many lives. If they are not incarnated in this life — they can act as your spirit guides — but it will feel very light in dreams, and not sexual.
The only time when you can have romantic dreams with an unfamiliar Soulmate is when they will soon come into your life — they are incarnated and have a soul plan with you — but you will feel uplifted and full of energy after having a dream with a soulmate, unlike being totally drained and depressed after astral sex with a demon.