Writer: Polishpiggay
Subject: Hail Satan. Fuck Jesus Christ.
Link: Tumblr / 14.11.2021 / Reposted by 666marriedfag4satan-1
Hail Satan. Fuck Jesus Christ.
You must be willing to imitate His nature of Antichrist, to become antichrist too, te become the unholy spirit in the image and likeness of Satan, the opponent of God: the Almighty Antigod, the powerful antichrist, the unholy anti-Holy-Spirit. Praise be antichrist. Praise be the Beast 666.
All your eternal presence in hell, your service to Satan, your belong to Him will be uninterrupted worshipping of His Name, Name of antichrist in a godless, demonic, blasphemous curse of the fucking trinity with eternal cry of love. Praise be Satan with eternal cry of hatred: “Fuck God. Fuck Jesus fucking Christ. Fuck the motherfucker Holy Spirit. There is nothing more beautiful than the unholy blasphemy.”
In His name of anti-God you will progress in sin, evil, blasphemy and in sodomic debauchery with eternal cry of love: Praise be Satan with eternal cry of hatred: “Fuck God. Fuck Jesus fucking Christ. Fuck the motherfucker Holy Spirit. There is nothing more beautiful than the unholy blasphemy.”
Hail Satan!! Fuck the piece of shit god, jessus and the fuckkng holyspirit
I blaspheme all
Day every day and purpose to do all I can to be Satan’s servant
I even want the way I die to somehow be a blaspheme to the trinity of shit
Fuck the Lawd Jesus Christ where he breathes; and up his fat ass too!
Fuck his father God!
And fuck his mother too; right up here slimy cunt hole.
they are al scum; torturing murderous filthy sadistic scum of the earth.
i spit on their graves and I piss on their corpses!
The God of the Bible treated the people like a bunch of wild dogs; with mass tortures and genocides.
You know why? Because when you get right down to it; that is exactly what they are; wild incredibly ignorant dogs; made in His Image.
Though He was a quite a bit brighter than them; and could see what ignorant beasts they were; who would believe whatever shit they were told; and never question it. And they are basically no different today.
Sometimes; I do not blame him; and might have done the same if I were in his shoes.
How can i blaspheme ? I’m christian, i feel guilty for reading the blog, but i couldn’t stop, and i need read More
May Jesus Christ worship at Satan’s feet and the Holy Spirit be damned to hell. Fuck you Jesus the fucking cocksucker!
The Ballad of Lawdy G
Lawdy G was nailed to a tree!
He then shouted; “I gotta pee!”
So they drove a nail through his cock
As he screamed; “Peter; I wanna rock!”
And that was the end of Lawdy G!
Lordie Jesus, pudding and pie,
Crapped his pants and began to cry!
When the boys came out to play,
Lordie Jesus ran away!