Disclaimer: The following is fiction. The content of the story is not representative of the writer’s beliefs, opinions, or attitudes. This story is intended for adult entertainment only. The characters and events depicted in this work are fictional. The author does not condone or promote any unlawful activity, such as, is depicted in the story. By continuing to read this work you acknowledge that you are an adult who wishes to read works of fantasy and fiction for the purpose only of fantasy. All the characters in this story are adults. They may play different ages for the fictional character that they are depicting but they remain at all times adults.

Feature Writer: Regis

Feature Title: GROUP HANGING 8

Published: 31.07.2024

Story Codes: Erotic Horror, Sadism, Abuse, Murder

Synopsis: Six young and highly ambitious women, all successful in their careers, get together to form a gang that does assassinations for fun and profit. They also ruin businessmen and destroy their holdings on assignment. They are cunts for hire, called the Mamma Gang, not just because they are female, but because of their uniformly large bosoms. They are not only sentenced to be hanged, but because of their heinous crimes, the hanging is to be carried out with all of them in the nude and is to be televised in prime time on all networks. It is seen to be an example to all children about the outcomes they can expect if they turn to a life of crime. The television broadcast turns out to be spectacular.

Group Hanging 8

Juanita, the only one of the nude female convicts who had not yet been dropped, had a moment of inspiration. Before her platform collapsed, she lifted her legs, taking her full weight onto her neck without any jerk, and she attempted to do what Inesia had done. Getting her legs above her head appeared to be the only way to share the weight her neck was taking.

Although she was athletic, she was not nearly as flexible as the young athletic Indian woman, and she was only able to get one foot as high as her face. When she lowered her legs from the failed attempt, she was startled to find that the platform that had been below her was now gone, and unable to stand on it, she was now hanging by her neck.

“FUCK YOU, ASSHOLE!!” the mob chanted for the sixth time.

There were no more of the cunts standing. All were swinging from the ropes, with two dead, a third on the verge, and three of them actively struggling. Juanita turned herself around by lifting a leg and was startled that from such a simple movement she lost bladder control.

She was enormously distressed to see that Elizabeth and Grace were dead and that Fran was not far behind them. She also saw that the Mexican bitch had lost her mind, and was wildly fucking some invisible horny donkey that existed only in her deranged mind.

This was a bizarre situation, and she should have expected that kind of disgustingly obscene behavior from that wild stinking Hispanic bitch. How well did she know the other women in the gang, she thought and realized that although they got off on the crimes they committed, they had remained strangers.

What startled her was that Inesia had worked one of her legs up the rope, and with the other had actually got the tight rope to partially wrap around her raised leg, so that now she was raising herself higher than the others. It was an incredible display of acrobatics, self-control, and sheer strength.

It was as if the Hindu bitch were performing a feat of levitation magic while hanging by the tight noose around her neck! The rope on Juanita’s neck was not as tight as it would be on the other girls, and she had a feeling she could last indefinitely. The noose was higher than on the others, pressed right up against her skull, which helped.

Wouldn’t it be funny if the networks had to switch away while she was still calmly swinging by the neck, biding her time? She tried tensing the muscles in her neck, to see if she could force the knot further open. She did not feel anything move as she tensed and strained, but she had a funny feeling it somehow tightened more when she relaxed.

She tried again, this time using more force until she could feel the ligaments strain under her skin. Still, there was nothing, but it seemed as if it tightened further when she stopped straining. She also noticed with more than a little concern that it was getting harder to breathe. She would have to be careful.

Juanita heard a curious sound to her left, and when she twisted to look, she saw Fran’s final trembling as she became just another pretty corpse, and realized what she had heard had been her only friend farting and her death rattle. She turned away and was shocked that the movement caused a distinct tightening of the rope around her neck.

Her lips and eyes were starting to feel numb and ugly, and her ears felt so hot she was sure they would burst. As well, there was a growing ringing in her ears, that grew to the point that it nearly shut out all other sounds. Only the tiniest bit of air was now leaking into her lungs as she struggled to breathe. It was not nearly enough now to live on.

Suddenly Juanita panicked. She was desperate to live, and the chances suddenly seemed impossibly remote. Juanita flailed out with her incredible legs. The audience cheered the outburst of action, but the ringing in her ears blocked out most of the sound. She bucked and kicked her nakedness with all her might, using up precious energy.

Her full mammaries bounced and jiggled with her every move, and she had a lot of movement for a dying woman. Even as she felt herself weakening, she tried desperately to swing loose of the tight noose around her neck. The most beautiful and powerful woman of the entire group was now giving the audience as much as they had hoped for in her futile struggles.

Juanita was not too far gone to see the Mexicunt bitch’s head sag to one side, her remarkable tits pointing out defiantly, and her cunt let loose a spray of her piss as she sagged and dangled limply from her stretched neck. The bitch had done herself in with her motion, and in her state of dismay, Juanita suddenly realized that her brain was fogging.

She also realized that she was now doing the same thing as Hellita had just done, though for a different reason. She would never let her passions kill her. With a start, she realized that was exactly what was happening. It was her passion that had got her into this horrible situation in the first place.

Although her mind recognized the folly, her body continued its frantic and useless struggle for survival. She was slowly strangling to death, and with her thumbs bound together behind her back, she could do nothing to stop it. If only she had anything like the remarkable physical control of that gorgeous Hindu bitch beside her.

She saw out of the corner of her eye that the cunt had raised herself so that her straining buttocks were higher than her head. The remarkable Inesia was virtually upside down, while still hanging by her neck. She managed this by taking some of her weight on her remarkable legs.

Her lower limbs were wrapped securely on the stout rope above the noose. She was a cock-jerking sight, hanging naked in that contorted position, displaying fully her shapely nude figure the charms of her sex organ, and the cute little starfish of her anus. She was a true beauty.

Suddenly Inesia kicked her lovely legs out from the rope, with all her might, momentarily lifting her head and releasing the pressure of the rope as her body dropped violently. When the dark-skinned bitch hit vertical once more, Juanita heard the enormous jerk on the rope snap that long lean beautiful neck.

The gorgeous Hindu cunt had done all that remarkable acrobatic work just to commit suicide! The dazzling Indian bitch had fooled them all. She had taken control of the situation and had killed herself, rather than giving that fucking female executioner the satisfaction. It was an incredible act of defiance that proved her superiority even as she expired.

Juanita resolved in her final moments that she would do the same. She was incapable of lifting herself as the Hindu bitch had done, but she would do what she could. Suddenly her body bucking increased, and the audience went wild. This was a special performance, and the audience had no concerns that they had to stay up so late into the night to enjoy it.

They recognized that these spirited criminal bitches were providing for them a late night of entertainment far superior to anything ever before seen. Even those people who had shelled out two thousand dollars for a seat agreed their money was well spent.

This public multiple nude televised hanging was the best fucking show they had ever seen, and these criminal cunts were giving everyone more than they could have dreamed possible. Their execution was a gift to the nation and to the world, as people in every country enjoyed together the incredible carnal stimulation that had men around the world ejaculating in sexual ecstasy.

Juanita was the last living convict. She spread her knees and lifted her remarkable legs slowly up like a frog about to leap after a bug, keeping her feet close together, her toes pointed straight downward. Then with a sudden violent jerk, she kicked down as hard as she could.

The results were as good as she could have hoped for. The rope was momentarily slack, then suddenly jerked tight as it took her weight. Her mind and her neck snapped at the same time, and the beautiful bitch, at last, gave up the ghost, pissing a golden arch of her final store of urine. From between her buttocks emerged a firm stool of her shit, that she had not been able to pass when she and the others were given pots to piss and shit into.

Her death, like that of the other six naked female convicts, was satisfactory to the huge stadium crowd, as it was to the enormous international television audience, who were still watching the extended broadcast’s repeated spectacular replays, particularly repeated closeup shots from various angles of Juanita shitting as she died.

The row of six naked female convicts, all now motionless corpses, swayed gently by their necks on the large gallows in the center of the large stadium. The guests filed back up onto the gallows platform to inspect the remains of the lovely ladies. They were surprised to see blood dripping from their mouths.

It was not common to get a view of hanged people, as most hangings were done in the privacy of the prison before a select group of privileged wealthy witnesses. The people in the stands were allowed onto the stadium field to view the deceased ladies.

Then the fat-cat Governor, his penis planted in the throat of a teen beauty, announced that the nude corpses would remain hanging for the next two days, to allow school children to be brought to see them. In the heat, they would begin to stink, but that was a bonus, because of their evil.

He felt it important that little girls be aware of the seriousness of crime, and the severe consequences of criminal activity by women who defied the laws of the nation. The public nude hanging of these gorgeous but sinister women had been an entirely appropriate sentence, and he hoped little girls around the world had been able to watch and be suitably shocked by it.

Their deaths were to be celebrated, and the people were in a mood to celebrate. Their remarkable dances at the end of the ropes would be viewed and reviewed in close-ups and slow motion for years to come, thanks to the permissive judge, and the cooperative television networks. In America, sometimes crime did not pay, but often the judgment did.


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