Writer: Sissy Vanessa
Subject: Greeting To All
Link: MEWE / 12.02.2023 / Visit Sissy Vanessa at MEWE at “Modern Christianity“
Greeting To All
Greetings to all of you, it’s been a while since I left a reflection of mine. It has been almost a year now that a bloody war is being fought on the borders of Europe. I don’t want to talk about politics, I love freedom and as a free person, my support goes to those who are defending their freedom.
myself updated just yesterday I heard for the umpteenth time that whoever started it justifies this war as a crusade against Satan, because whoever does not think like them, whoever has ideals of freedom can only be enveloped in evil and from the darkness.
I know that Satan is not evil, he is a reference for all those who feel free from any scheme, from any submission to religions that manipulate peoples, depriving them of the freedom to choose. I believe like many of you that there is no sin when you live free.
It’s been a while since I wrote, but as you can see I always kept this blog alive. Blog that as many of you know, I inherited. I took care of it, to keep it alive. I was and always am the curious Vanessa, who you know, curiosity brought me to this site and to you. I am convinced that curiosity is the gateway to knowledge.
Truths always have two faces, but it’s up to us with our curiosity to discover the face that is not shown to us. Everything that is part of the occult has always been banned, but we know that it is not convenient to let people know. A few weeks ago one of the two Popes died, when in the world have two ever lived together temporarily?
What inconvenient secrets were buried with it? We will not be told, but if we go beyond the lines, we could discover that the Church is not holy, just as her Ministers are not holy. Many have worse sins than ours. Live, let’s live our being, our curiosity, let’s make love with whoever we like, whether they are men or women, transvestites or transsexuals.
If it happens even with our own family members. love has no boundaries. Love is power even when it appears uncomfortable in the eyes of right-thinking people and the standards that have been imposed on us. Let’s live free, Hail Satan, Hail Lilith, Hail Sisters Hail Brothers.
Hail Satan
Glorious God Lucifer, who tempts me every day. I succumb to his temptations meekly and experience happiness and freedom. Glory to Satan!