God Is Trans by Trash Kink Coven

Writer: Trash Kink Coven

Subject: God Is Trans

Link: Tumblr / 18.07.2024

God Is Trans

Queer Luciferians celebrate the entirety of pride month as a holy celebration because of course we fucking do!

God is trans and he loves his queer children. Pride is not a sin but a virtue of love. Hail Lord Lucifer! Hail thyself!

I am a man, and I’m a beautiful man!

Being with Aphrodite as a trans masc is so transformative. Because at one point in my transition, I was so averted to being attractive, pretty, or desirable, in any way because my brain automatically equated those things with being a girl. And even though I am genuinely interested in things like hair, makeup, and fashion — I was so determined to be as ugly as possible — because being ugly meant I wasn’t a girl, so maybe I could be a guy. In my mind, it was better to be the most repulsive goblin boy than a pretty girl.

And I always felt a sense of jealousy. for girls who could be beautiful and involved with their appearance because it looked so freeing. And any time I tried it felt like a trap. Like, if I’m into feminine things I’m proving all of the trans deniers right. I am just a girl.

It became all the more clear when I got into my first real relationship because I wanted to be attractive, but I also wanted to be a man. I wanted to be desired and sexualized but not as a woman.

Aphrodite showed me that’s possible and realistic. It’s not some fantasy that’s out of the bounds of reality. I’m allowed to expect that.

Aphrodite knocked that doubt out of me fast. As the sex-changing draggy Goddess of gender, alongside the rebel Lucifer, they showed me that men can not only be beautiful and feminine but that there is so much strength in being trans and gender nonconforming.

And also that, my body is not inherently masculine or feminine unless I choose to view it that way. The bags of fat on my chest or hips are not inherently feminine just like my chin and shoulders aren’t inherently masculine either. I used to ask the Gods to make me a “Real boy” and the response I would always get would be, “What isn’t real about you?”

I remember one time when I was feeling dysphoric about my chest, and Aphrodite was like, “Why not be a guy with boobs? What’s so wrong about being a guy with great tits? Gay bears can have round bellies and big tits and still be masculine, so why can’t you? Men have hips and thighs just like you, just like me. Men love each other’s bodies, no part of you is contradictory to being a man, I mean, look at me!”

Seeing imagery of Aphrodite and Inanna as sex-changing gods, women with beards, men with breasts, genderflux with a penis, agender with a vagina, etc. Made me feel so much more at home in my body. Knowing that all of these things, masculine, and feminine, are all a part of her, and they are all beautiful. If gay bears can have nice tits then why can’t I? Why shouldn’t I be beautiful? What about me isn’t desirable? Absolutely nothing but my doubts.


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