Writer: wes420mantooth-deactivated20200
Subject: God Damned Resilient
Link: Tumblr / 23.12.2022
God Damned Resilient
I’ll say one thing for these holy fucking bibles, they’re pretty goddamned resilient. I’ve burned this one a few dozen times and barely a scratch. Do you want to change your life? Take a bible, any bible will do as long as it’s holy. Take it in your hands. Throw it in a toilet and give it the personal cleaning it deserves with your warm piss.
Really wanna turn up desecration a few notches? Blow your fat load of cum on the scriptures of our beloved Mark 3:28-30. Now that’s a goddamn fucking orgasm. Whatever you do, blaspheme and enjoy it. Release your guilt. It’s futile. You know Satan has you in his demonic grips and you love it.
Don’t fucking lie to yourself. You know you can’t stop what you started so fucking give in to Lucifer and the Beast. Stop feeling guilt and feel the lust inside your cock. You already tried to run a dozen or so times. Now fucker, you’re here reading my blog. You just might be a Christian feeling Satan’s pull on your heart.
Don’t fight. I too was a God-fearing Christian. I still pose as one to everyone. While I curse them all and their stupid fucking imaginary friends. Stop fighting. It won’t work. You will let go of the guilt as I did. Lust takes the place of guilt. Then you want to find new ways to desecrate the cunt Christ and his whore mother Mary.
I promise you won’t be sorry. Blaspheme the fucking Holy Spirit with all your might and heart and soul. Deny that fucking spooky ghost and tell him to GTFO. Give in to your lust. Give in to Blasphemy. Desecrate anything Christian and holy. Why not wrap a few ripped out pages of Leviticus around a dildo and saturate it with lube?
Slowly insert that bible paged wrapped dildo and fill your demonic asshole with the fucking lies of the goddamn book of fairy tales. Notice the damage done to the pages as you pull the wonderfully transformed bible pages in Satan’s unholy name from your wet ass hole.
Renounce Christianity. Renounce God. Renounce the Holy Spirit. Fuck Christ. Fuck them all. Praise and give thanks to your lord Satan. Praise Lucifer as your lord. Praise Satan as your new lord and savior. Accept Satan into your heart and feel true joy. Hail Satan!
I have essentially done all of the above in some form or another (piss, cum, rip/burn pages, fucked my ass with pages, etc.) and the feeling of freedom when I finally let go of the xtian guilt and shame and truly embraced my demonic Satanic self was beyond words. I can only say that I have NEVER felt freer or better than when I renounced the fucking (un)holy spirit and blasphemed it (repeatedly) to ensure my soul’s damnation in Hell. Hell is NOT the firepit described in the bible… they want to scare you. They want to paint Satan as the “bad guy” of the story. THEY LIE!!!! Fuck them, fuck their “god”, fuck the cunt bastard dead on the stick (their xrist) and fuck his Whore mother Mary. Hail Satan!!!
I love your additude MMichaels. I love doing the same, sometimes jerking my cock with the ripped pages of that piece of shit the world calls “the holy bible”. It feels so free, destroying this shit for Satan. I also love smashing crosses or pictures of Jesus in the name of the true Lord. Hail Satan!!!
I want the Holy Spirit to enter my body while I fuck mother Mary in the ass. While this is happening, Jesus is standing astride of his whore mother fucking my throat. Mary and Mary-Magdalene are in 69 munching cunt and Juda is fucking my ass! All the rest of the disciples are standing around us and jacking
off, shooting their Christian cum all over us!!