Writer: HarbringerOfDarkness
Subject: Glory to the Cock of mighty Satan
Link: MEWE / 02.03.2021 / HarbringerOfDarkness
Glory to the Cock of mighty Satan
Glory to the Cock of mighty Satan, which creates me to eternal damnation, which creates my new life in Hell. Holy, Holy, Holy God, Satan’s Cock! Let your hardness and erection be holy! Almighty Dick of Satan, you are the Father of my Damned Life, you are the Father of my sinfulness, you are the Father of my Wickedness. Satan’s Divine Cock you are the Creator of my damned soul!
I kneel before you, divine cock: to show you my faithfulness, my loyalty and love … Glory to you, Satan’s divine cock! Be my eternal fire that burns me completely, be my eternal flame that burns my soul and body. Satan’s cock, I call you from the flames of hell: come and reveal yourself in my depraved soul and in my corrupt body, in my debauched cock, in my insatiable pajamas in this temple that I prepared for you, Satan’s Dick, to fuck me, rape me, flood me with your Sperm. Come Satan’s Dick and reveal yourself in my cock.
Let your erection manifest in my erection so that we may be one, you with me, and I with you. May our erections unite us through the ages in Hell, on the Altar of Sodom, Fornication, Damnation and Blasphemy. I adore you, Satan’s Dick, for the life you give me by your Life-Giving Sperm, which you feed my soul with evil, sin, blasphemy and damnation, by your Holy Cum filling my guts and my insatiable cunt.
Satan, blow me up with the power of your erect Cock! Satan, flood me with a stream of Your Holy Sperm! The Cock of Almighty Satan, I praise you, I trust you, I love you, I desire you, I give myself to you with submissiveness, lust, debauchery, as your fucking cunt, your rape whore. Be with me to fuck my soul and body. fuck me use me devour me impregnate my soul and body with your Godless Demonic Spirit! Use me to sodomize, demonize, condemn others.
Tempt me with your Demonic temptation, lead me to lust and sodomy. Be proud of my sins, uncleanness, debauchery, perversity, blasphemy. The cock of Almighty Satan, let your strength guard and protect me constantly, let your Godless Seed plant Evil in my soul. Do not lead me to salvation, but surrender me to the reign of Your Evil Spirit. I pray that Satan’s Divine Cock will plant in me all that is sinful, wicked, disgusting, without morals, against God. Every day I thank Satan’s Cock for his evil, for moral decay in me, for every sin in me, for all blasphemy.
Satan, make my fallen body your Temple of Ungodliness and Sin. The temple of your Cock. Let your erect Cock fuck what has been deposited into my soul by a lousy god, let your hatred be stronger than my faith. May your erected Cock conquer the father god in my former baptized soul and body. Satan, let your erect Dick fuck Christ in my deep Temple of Blasphemy, and fuck me for His mercy, forgiveness and eternal salvation. Let your erect Cock feel my rejection, denial and hatred of the holy spirit, drive out its sanctifying graces. For yours is the power and the glory forever, my Satan Divine Cock ascended!
What a perfect prayer.
Hail George — could not agree more — XP
I can’t wait to go too Hell, I want to be ass raped hourly by Satan and his Demons as I drink the liquid that the Queen Lilith offers me from her Vagina I want all my holes to be filled with Semen from all that mount me as I suck on the cock of beasts
God sucked on Satan’s cock already and swallowed his load too.
The thread that keeps on giving.