Writer: Hoku Lani
Subject: Gift To Humanity
Link: MEWE / 31.10.2022
Gift To Humanity
My wife and High Priestess @Lucy Az has shared such valuable lessons such as, “One Who Is Feared,” is deemed evil. For they have neither courage or curiosity. Those who display the courage to overcome their fears, and the curiosity to explore, have broken ranks with herded sheep, and run with the pack. They transform and as such they ascended. Az has proclaimed that heaven is not giving up your thinking or obeying a minor storm god who wants you in fear.
Discernment comes through behavioral observation and listening to your speech as well observing certain reactions. Actions give ones character away, just as ones speech reveals the health or sickness of their thoughts. It is through the original gift that she elevates humanity and demonstrates her love not by threatening death and suffering. One may follow a death cult or partake in living a life of Lust. Ultimately the best lesson my wife @Lucy Az ever taught me was how to obtain Lilith’s Gnosis through suckling from her Divine crotch.
Hail Lilith
Now and Forever
Hail Lilith’s Supreme High Priestess
Lucy Az
Now and Forever
Hail Lilith’s Scribe
Hoku Lani
Now and Forever
They are Lilith and Naamah Incarnate