Writer: Destiny1961
Subject: Gender Dysphoria and Confusion
Link: Email to LS666 / 28.11.2021
Gender Dysphoria and Confusion
So they use words like ‘gender dysphoria and confusion’. But is it a matter of being confused or lost in gender, or am I not a true gender at all, in fact maybe not even human? So, I have been lost lately. They tell me that there must be balance between the yin and yang, the good and bad, maybe the male and female?
I was raised a Catholic. I became a born again Christian. But ended up with spiritual gifts. I found myself seeing both sides, as they say, “The closer you get to God, the more Satan fights for you.” — Is that a bad thing? — It is even written in scripture that Satan is the ruler of this world; and are we not told to follow rules as laid down by the leaders? Am I bending the truth, or is He?
I used hypnosis to bring out my inner personality. I wanted to run from my male side and become feminine. I found myself realizing that I could better please men sexually, than women, and I liked it. When I was first found that I was able to trance; my psyche took me to a place that was like a hallway. It had doors to different personalities. I found that I liked to play these parts; found that in order for them to become real that we must believe in them too.
When I first came upon Destiny I walking down the hallway. It was blocked with a sign that said, “Enter at own risk.”I remember seeing this feminine figure curled up in a corner. My mind understood this was my “shadow self”. It was the side I was hiding. I felt bad. The rooms were more like little cells, but they were only things in my mind, right? I decided to go and say sorry so I opened the door and the light started to flicker. I slowly made my way to the corner where she was.
She had gone. I then heard the door close and lock behind me. I turned and like a movie scene she was in my face. My face was feminine. She had small breasts and a penis. She pressed against me. I felt her breath as she pressed against me. Her tits were against my chest as she put my arms around her and my hands on her nice plump butt. She asked why I locked her away and if I was ashamed of us. I told her it was complicated. She told me it could be simple, if only I were to tell her I love her and want her. I know what the word “trap” means as far as the transexual world— but this was a trap in a different way — I told her I loved her and wanted her and she told me to say I accept her and kiss her.
So I did. I kissed her and she pulled me to her. Then like a horror movie — I felt her inside of me — She had become one with me. I heard her voice from inside me. She said the we would have so much fun together — I felt my dick get hard and tingles in my nipples and asshole. She told me, that the new me, will be much more fun and much darker. The cell door swung open. As I walked out Through the doorway, I seemed to snap out of the trance. But still, everything felt different.
Some time later, I used ritual hypnosis to release her; to bind us together — to make us one — this was to be the start of a newer and darker journey. A journey that would bring me closer to Satan and for Him to set her free; for Destiny was Satan’s daughter …
Stay tuned.
This is a marvelous story. You are blessed.
Wow I’ve been trying to do this for myself for some time now. What hypnosis took you to her cell and what was the ritual hypnosis you used to bind your selves together if you don’t mind me asking. I would love to do this for myself
you can write me direct at destiny1961@yahoo and we can talk about it