Full Moon Sodomy by Guardianwolff-666- Non-Fiction

Writer: Guardianwolff-666

Subject: Full Moon Sodomy

Link: Tumblr / 06.11.2022

Full Moon Sodomy

The Full Moon is ready. The Demons come alive with Sodomic pleasure. The energy is real. The magick is real. Masturbate to the full moon and give in to the beast 666. You long for the nights of the Full Moon. You feel it in your loins. The hardening of your cock takes over. The lust seduces you into the worship of your god. Satan takes you there. You desire his seed. You feel the power of muscle and Leather. Satan consumes you. You don’t want it any other way.

7 thoughts on “Full Moon Sodomy by Guardianwolff-666- Non-Fiction”

  1. Yes, I LOVE Satan, I WANT Satan, I NEED Satan!!!

    I love Satan with ALL my fucking heart ❤ 💙 💜 💖 💗 💘


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