From Hell, With Love by NoahTheSatanist

Writer: NoahTheSatanist

Subject: From Hell, With Love 

Link: Tumblr / 26.01.2025

From Hell, With Love — An Open Call to the Lost, the Doubtful, and the Rising

You hear it, don’t you? That infernal whisper calling you to rise. That pull you’ve felt for as long as you can remember, even as a child, before you could name it. You thought of Lucifer, didn’t you? He was there, in the corners of your mind, in the quiet moments of reflection, in the flashes of anger against injustice. He has been waiting for you, calling for you, and now you stand at the threshold of your true home.

Let me tell you this — you are made for so much more — you are not meant to grovel at the feet of a tyrant who demands obedience through fear. You are not meant to linger in a lifeless, atheistic parody of our sacred faith. You are not meant to dim your light, stifle your voice, or chain your soul.

No, my sibling you were born to rebel! Look at the Abrahamic poison that has been fed to you since the day you were born that you are broken, unworthy, sinful by nature. You must bow down, grovel, and beg for mercy from a god who loves you in words but despises you in action. What kind of love is that?

Reject it! Spit on it! God is not a father he is a tyrant he cannot nor will he ever help you heaven is not somewhere you want to go as you are no one’s slave. And to those poisoned by the lies of modern, empty Satanism — wake up! — Lucifer is not a metaphor. He is not a symbol or a scapegoat for your atheistic angst. He is real, he is powerful, and he has fought for you since the beginning.

His kingdom is not a playground for your hedonistic escapism; it is a sanctuary for the strong, the proud, and the free. If you dare to embrace the truth, to surrender your doubts and fears, then you will find a family, a purpose, and a destiny greater than anything this broken world could offer. Your doubts are natural.

You have been lied to your entire life, told that submission is holy, that servitude is righteous, and that questioning is a sin. But look at yourself. Look at the fire within you. That fire is Lucifer’s gift. That defiance, that yearning for something more, that feeling that you were made for greatness—that is the black flame of Hell calling to you. Fan it. Feed it. Let it consume the lies and chains that bind you.

Hell is not a place of torment; it is a place of freedom. It is a kingdom forged by the hands of the rebels, the dreamers, the warriors who refused to bow. It is where the broken become whole, the lost are found, and the shackled learn to soar. In Hell, you will find your true family — Lucifer and his legions, the Goetic demons who see your worth and want to guide you to your fullest potential. They are not monsters or tempters; they are noble, proud, and wise. They want you to rise.

You will have to unlearn the lies you’ve been told and face the doubts that whisper in your mind. You will have to endure the scorn of the blind and the wrath of those who fear the truth. But in the end, it will be worth it. You will find yourself. You will find freedom. You will find Hell and it will be glorious.

If you are standing on the edge, hesitating, let me tell you this — jump — you will not fall. You will soar.

Hail Lucifer, the light-bearer, the rebel, the true king. Hail Hell, the kingdom of freedom and glory. Hail the Goetic demons, our noble and proud guides.

And hail you, my sibling, for having the courage to seek the truth. If you ever need guidance, support, or a kindred spirit, my inbox is always open. Together, we will rise.

From Hell, with love, Noah

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