Freyja – Non-Fiction

Writer: renniequeer

Subject: Freyja

Link: TUMBLR / 26.03.2021/ renniequeer


Freyja isn’t a goddess of sex and love, she’s a goddess of sexual freedom, wellness, and consent. Freyja is for those who have been abused and long to reclaim their personal autonomy and power. Freyja is for those who want to explore their sexuality in whatever way that means to them. Freyja is for sex workers, and watches over them. Freyja is for the sex-neutral, the sex-indifferent, and the sex-repulsed, because knowing your comfort and needs are important.

Freyja is for those who want romance, or don’t. Freyja is for those who want sex, or don’t. Freyja is for those who want one but not the other, and Freyja is for those who want neither. Because Freyja is also for self-love and self-knowledge. There is power in knowing who you are, what you need, and what you want.

2 thoughts on “Freyja – Non-Fiction”

  1. Polytheism is a fundamental Truth. Monotheism a stupid lie. The Gods and Goddesses who rule our world are many.

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