Writer: Foreverforever-lordsatan-isback
Subject: Foundation Of The World
Link: Tumblr / 12.09.2022
Foundation Of The World
Lord Satan chose us before the foundation of the world and even determined our sexual orientation. So if you realize that you are homosexual, know that this was and is His plan for you, because you are to glorify Him specifically with your sex life. He needs you as much as you need Him and therefore I tell you as a chosen and called one.
“Give up any resistance against Him and his servants and consecrate your life to Him. After this, His servants will penetrate deeply into your soul, mind and body and make you even more useful to Him. Without this radical change a life with Him is unfortunately not possible! Come and surrender to Him, the sublime Lord Satan and become one with Him and us who have been walking this path for a while. He is worth it that you do it – now!”
Satan is God and no one else. Hail Satan, my beloved, Lord and Master. I serve you, exalted Lord, because you have chosen and called me to glorify you. His kingdom come, His will be done, in the darkness, here on earth and in your life. Lord Satan needs you, me and us and we need Him. Give yourself to Him and become one of us Diabolo Satanas — chosen and called by Him.
I succumb
When I’m awake I lust after Satan and his demons and before I sleep I masterbate for him and lick HIS seed from my fingers and pray to serve and to find women to lust after and worship my dark Lord!!
YES! I love Satan DEEPLY! ❤ 😍 💖 ❣ 💕 💘 I have surrendered to Him completely. I am His Super hottt satanic shemale slut, FOREVER!I desire to pleasure Him, endlessly. Satan is sooo fucking sexy!