Forms Of Satanism by Silviaz

Writer: Silviaz

Subject: Forms Of Satanism

Link: Tumblr / 14.04.2024

Forms Of Satanism

Asmodeus’s Satanism


Asmodeus’s Satanism is the most common form of Satanism and we see it everywhere that is Atheism. Asmodeus is the demon God of Logic and Reason, his love is science and amassing mountains of books. Asmodeus hates religion and all who practice it i never liked this guy to be honest, he has a cold iron-clad logical way of looking at things and demands his followers become all about science and reason. I don’t get why an Angel who fell from heaven who knows the Father and Christ wants to lead an Atheistic movement I guess he sees religion as a hindrance to progress.

I really can’t comment much as this form of Satanism isn’t my cup of tea and I never liked Atheists they are not as smart as they think. If you want to follow his brand of Satanism you’re in luck it’s the one that’s most practiced by common Atheists and others such as Levey. He is also known for other stuff such as wealth and other things like I said I don’t know him very well and I hope for him nothing but ill will as he and his Atheist ilk make me sick ugh.

One can often find this guy reading his book tending to his massive library.

Ishtar Satanism

Ishtar’s Satanism is a strange form of Satanism and one I honestly hope no one seeks to emulate. Ishtar only wants Christians yes baptized Christians to be her flock which is why I guess she came to me. She is the self-professed Queen of Heaven and she desires her followers to worship her as Holy Mother or Queen of Heaven and elevate her to the status of YHWH or God. She seeks to usurp God’s place in Heaven and seeks the Church to be under her absolute control. Many Christians are already her servants even if they don’t know it and yes she is Satanic.

Christ and Christianity on the outside Heathenism and fornication on the inside. Angel by day Devil by night, the double life in a sense. Ishtar has instantiable lust for sex money and power and she will turn you into her fuck slut or heathen whore of hell all the while you project a fake Christian image on the outside. Ishtar operates inside the Church and many pastors and women are already under her control which is why you often hear about orgies in church or sex scandals, Christian on the outside Devil and Satan worship on the Inside and I dare say she is more powerful than Satan as she rivals his lust and fornications.

Being a Goddess of War as well she has no regard for human life to her it’s just another kill or soul for the furnace. When you read about Christian inquisitions or Crusades she is the one leading it the Goddess of war holding the banner of the cross. I don’t know why she has an infatuation with Christians to the point she wants Christ’s church as hers and often calls it my church. She is Unholy but she will put on the image of being holy.

She is wicked and fornicates like a whore but pretends to be a virgin woman who knows not sin. She is the mother of the Jezebel spirit and people like me who have it know its Lust-filled effects. If you call upon her she will demand you become a Christian and worship her as your true God elevate her to the mantel of Christ and in return, she will feed you unstable lusts of the flesh and wicked power. Unlike Asherah, Ishtar has no qualms about killing people or torturing them if they stand against her in her mind she is the Queen the Lady monarch if she wants she takes life and deals with it bitch.

Asherah Satanism

Asherah’s Satanism is very different from other forms of Satanism, She is as she puts it Lady of the Night Queen of the Dammed. Asherah’s Black gospel is simple, self-actualization that is the induvial is free to do as they please as long as they don’t hurt anyone else. That is you are to be free to be who you want and desire to be without any form of guilt or shame unless it involves hurting others then you are out. Hatred as Asherah puts it is a waste of energy or ether. For example, say you are a Christian woman but you need to make a living as a stripper and you love doing it but feel guilt then Asherah will help you become the person you desire to be free you from your guilt, and help you achieve it if you call upon her unholy name. In Return, she does not even want worship or reverence only that you take her philosophy to heart and carry it onto others. Yes, Asherah isn’t interested in converts or revolution she is all about the rights and needs of the induvial and their self-actualization. She waits in the darkness of the night under the pale moonlight for those who are willing to follow her teachings and she will help those who call out to her.

Asherah says, “I offer you this fruit be who you desire to be and find self-actualization and freedom, Be a God in your own right and cause ill to none.”

It’s up to you if you want the fruit she offers or if you reject it.

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