Writer: Dominus Aquensis
Subject: For The Glory And Honor
Link: MEWE / 26.01.2024
For The Glory And Honor
F: Cock sprinkle me with hyssop, and I shall be clean: wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.
M: Satanas, accept this offering of my seed, for the glory and honor of your name, for the praise of Mother Lilith, for my blessing and the fruit of the woman that will conceive my seed. Therefore this seed will germinate and glorify you now and forever.
A: Nema.
M: Pray, sister, that my sacrifice and yours may be acceptable to the almighty Satan.
F: Let Satan accept the sacrifice of your cock, for the praise and glory of his name, for our benefit as well, and for the benefit of his entire unholy church.
M: Satan, who wonderfully founded the dignity of the human substance and more wonderfully reformed it: grant us through the mystery of this urine and seed, that his diabolical consorts, who deigned to become partakers of our humanity, Lilith, your daughter, our Lady: Because she lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Spirit of the Unholy Satan: for all ages of ages.
A: Nema.
M: May my seed with the Unholy Spirit keep your soul in eternal pleasure.
F: Nema.