Writer: Jennifer1972
Subject: Finding Hoku
Link: God Made Man. Lilith Fixed Man.
Finding Hoku
J72 — Hiya, Is Hoku Lani still on MeWe? I just joined, and added you as a friend.
XP — Yes, Hoku is on MEWE
J72 — @Hokulani_Reese.95 doesn’t exist anymore
XP — Try the following — she does get deleted a few times … due to her controversial posts — Hoku Az @lamatsuaz.48
J72 — Nope, no results. If she keeps getting removed from tame sites like Tumbler and MeWe, perhaps she should set herself up here on Fetlife? They would leave her alone. Do you know her well enough to suggest it? Of all sites, Fet is the one for this kind of stuff!
XP — Her range is quite wide, from zoo to blasphemy, young one to incest, devil worship to abortion?
J72 — Indeed, but if she gets removed frequently from other places, then there’s not much to lose! She likely gets reported on those other sites because most users are not there for anything sex-related, whereas here pretty much all users understand that some kinks are not everyone’s flavour. Plus her posts would likely be viewed only by admirers.
XP — I will let her know
J72 — I’ve given up finding her on MeWe and Tumblr – nothing comes up. I did find her at https://mastodon.social/@Hokulani but she only posted for two weeks, and that was a year ago. The reason I’m so fascinated with her writings is the whole Lilith thing. My own lustful shemale energy has an external source that flows through me and directs me and my thoughts. I would like to learn more about Lilith from someone far more learned than myself. I suspect Lilith values girls with cocks as much as girls with cunts.
XP — Thanks for the link … haven’t heard of Mastodon before … I have worshiped girls with cocks from the age of eleven … they are the only ones who can excite me … so, I share this passion and lust for the divine ones … those that are more than the sum of their parts (not just the best of both worlds) but bring an entirely new dimension to sexuality … XP
J72 — Males seek females to feel whole. Females seek males to feel whole. Shemales ARE whole.
XP — Boys want sex … girls seek romance … I am a boy who seeks shemales (as they act like girls but think like boys) … it’s that wonderful!
Seek and you Shall Find
But only if it is the Will of Lilith
Hoku Lani is her most beloved Scribe