Writer: April & XP
Subject: Fan Mail
Link: Email / 12.11.2021
Fan Mail
Do you really reply to your fanmail?
Hail April Does that mean that you are a fan?
I’m delighted you indeed do respond to emails. Seeing your reply in my inbox gave me a rush of excitement, I will admit that. I shouldn’t be a fan. There is a large part of me that doesn’t want to be fan. But there is that other side of me that is a fan of your site and the affect it has had on me ever since I discovered it — I’m a traditional Catholic — Nobody knows that this other side of me exists. I share it with nobody. I have tried praying, repenting, renouncing, doing everything I can for it to go away. Yet, it persists, it remains, and I continue to be curious beyond description when I visit your site. The way my heart starts to beat a little faster. The way I feel when I see the familiar background and images. I just type LittleSally666 search into google on a private tab (So my husband doesn’t discover the search history) and I am instantly taken somewhere else that exists outside the normal world we live in. Something that exists within us, and beyond us – is brought to life through your blog. I’ve been thoroughly corrupted since discovering your blog. I still do fight it. I still do purge and have weeks of abstinence. Yet, I always end up coming back, to see what I’ve missed.
Thank you for sharing this with me. We aren’t so different. Nobody in my real life has any idea about my true nature or about my evil little blog. Isn’t the “fall” exciting …. you know what I mean … pretending to abstain … pretending to repent … pretending that it isn’t you … seeing how long you can resist the temptation … but then, returning to worship your sexual demons … indulging … that rush, while you masturbate using your crucifix … pissing over your fingers and cumming hard to the words you whisper … hail Satan …
I’ve masturbated to Satan. The first time I did it, I vowed NEVER to do it again. I was in tears in prayer afterwards. I’ve done it probably twenty times since then. At what point does a fantasy become a reality? A fetish become your true nature? I stopped wearing my brown scapular and miraculous medal because I feel like such an hypocrite. Am I becoming a Satanist? Is this how it happens. Gradually?
It is different for everyone. What is a Satanist? There are many descriptions from theological to sexual … I believe in exercising my free will. I believe in living my life, not just for the promise of a so-called afterlife, but to experience what makes me excited — like most fetishes, it’s about the “forbidden” and the “taboo” … if Christianity isn’t so stifling, Satan wouldn’t feel so intriguing right … So just enjoy life. And if that means worshiping Satan for a while … why not? You can always ask for forgiveness?
I am so torn. I want to give in. I want to give in completely, so bad. In moments like this, when I am experiencing the energies, I become a different version of myself. But, I always revert back to normal April after I orgasm. But, the more I do it, the more this other version of myself seems like the real me, and the normal April seems like the facade I hide behind. It would be so much easier if I wasn’t married with children. My husband couldn’t handle this. I crave it. I crave it so fucking bad — Answer me now. I need to read your words as I pleasure myself.
Yes, it would be so much easier if you lived alone … to have a secret room where you kept your Satanic altar … your dirty pervert toys … the room lit with fat black candles and smelt of your piss and girl cum … dancing naked and masturbating before the devil … lewd and filthy … with no limits … imagining what you would do with that young altar boy … or your own daughter!
Mmmm, Ave Satanas!
Evil is so much more fun … isn’t it? Fingering yourself, thinking about all those wicked things you want to do … to lick, suck and taste.
Hail Satan. Hail Lust. The power behind the evil consumes my very being. I become evil. I am no longer am doing evil, fantasizing evil, masturbating to the evil Satanic world. I have BECOME evil. I have become Satanic. I never want to lose this energy I feel right now. Thank you for guiding me tonight. For your affirmations. You spread evil so deliciously. I knew exactly what I wanted to happen by messaging you. It unfolded exactly as I envisioned in my mind. You brought to the surface things about myself that I was scared to feel, think and say. Ave Satanas!
It’s a delicious feeling … now that you identify with evil and doing evil … things will never be the same again … you will search for darker and darker things to fill your wickedness … and your love for Satan and his sex demons … the incubus … the succubus … the twin sex demon.

Congratulations April on crossing over to the dark side. I completely understand how the evil consumes you and you become one with it. It is who we were all truly meant to be and I rejoice in the name of Satan that you have accepted this. But this is only the beginning of your journey and the rest of your life. You will now crave darker and darker more Blasphemous and satanic things and will discover that there is no limit if you allow yourself the freedom that Satan offers. I too made this transition a few years back and now every day is a new day of satanic evil pleasure and I relish every moment. I would love to chat with you more about your darkness and now we can go deeper into our depravity In The Name Of Satan and Lilith. XPanther knows me from some of my satanic blogs and satanic work over the past ten years or so. Through my Tumblr and other means I have helped several to make this transition and in return they have been inspirational to me as I seek to go darker and more evil in my own life. I would dearly love to chat with you sometime if you are interested. But most importantly I welcome you for We Are Legion and our numbers grow daily. Ave Satanas. Hail Satan Hail Lilith Hail Lust and Depravity and Evil