Fag-Out & Jump Straight Into Gehenna! by BaalGooner

Writer: Baal Gooner

Subject: Fag-Out & Jump Straight Into Gehenna!

Link: LS666 Comments / 12.09.2024

Fag-Out & Jump Straight Into Gehenna!

I love to imagine Satan and his demons like to target baptized Christian souls in particular. As a baptized Christian, at one point we were a pure, unsullied bride of Christ — so it feels so fucking good to cuckold and curse Christ daily — I hope it honors Satan’s cock.

The thought of being prey to a legion of “shemale cock demons” that want to rape, torment and damn you to Hell is too good! — Christ be fucked! — It all still scares me sometimes but your consent is not required, we are in the book of the damned. Reaffirming this daily with cum, piss and shit rituals dedicated directly to Satan’s cock feels amazing too. Fag-out and jump straight into Gehenna!

4 thoughts on “Fag-Out & Jump Straight Into Gehenna! by BaalGooner”

    1. Hi Simon

      Some say they have. The Greeks believed so. The Indians call them the “Untouchables” and they are seen as a blessing if they attend your wedding…

  1. Wow, it’s so surreal to see something I wrote on here after years of using this site as bate fuel. It’s an honour XP, thank you for this pit of filth

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