Exposing Christianity by Lucy Az – Non-Fiction

Writer: Lucy Az

Subject: Exposing Christianity

Link: MeWe / 30.11.2021

Exposing Christianity

A religion that:
— Threatens to curse its adherrants if they don’t comply
— Stones disobedient children, gays, and cheating wives
— Threatens eternal torture if one doesn’t worship a Jew who does magic tricks
— Is a Religion rooted in Fear and not Love.
— Hope I pissed you off Jeebus. Fuck’n asshole!

3 thoughts on “Exposing Christianity by Lucy Az – Non-Fiction”

  1. These are true, in whole or in part, to all of the Abrahamic religions. The RHP, as practiced by Abrahamics is fundamentally anti/human. Submission is what they want, along with the crushing of the human spirit.

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