Writer: skullofsatan
Subject: Evil Women Are Cool
Link: Tumblr / 14.07.2023
Evil Women Are Cool
She doesn’t care if you die as long as she gets what she wants. Don’t try to figure her out it will confuse you more. You don’t think the way she does. You think she likes you She’s plotting ways to kill you. She leaves you standing by the side of the road penniless. She breaks up your marriage then you never see her again. She is the Whore of Babylon, Lilith, Cleopatra, and Bathsheba all rolled into one. Hail The Evil Woman
Such an evil woman turns me on. I love a woman who only cares about her welfare, not mine. I would let her take advantage of me and work to give her pleasure, even at my own expense. If killing me after she’s done with me would turn her on, then that would be great. I have the most respect for women who are smart enough to take advantage of the weaker sex (men). I’m here on earth to be used, exploited, humiliated, and treated like a piece of garbage.