Writer: Anarcho-Satanist
Subject: Eve Was The First Satanist
Link: Tumblr / 20.04.2024
Eve Was The First Satanist
I realize that many Satanists attach little or no importance to the significance that Eve has for Satanic spirituality. She was the first human being to challenge divine authority. And because of that, she was certainly the first Satanist.
I became a Satanist because the Serpent offered the Forbidden Fruit to the woman and not to the man. This fact, for me, makes the Serpent an ally of women against patriarchy and also makes Satanism a non-sexist spirituality. Eve was a symbol of women’s empowerment for some of the first Feminists, such as the Suffragette Elizabeth Cady Stanton (1815-1902), who published a version of the Bible translated and commented on by women, in which Eve and the Serpent are interpreted positively: The Woman’s Bible.
ooo i wanna learn