Writer: anarcho-satanism
Subject: Eve, Lilith & Satan
Link: Tumblr / 24.05.2024 / Against The Tyrants Of Heaven
About the Author: I’m always being reborn from the ashes of myself. Brazilian, male, forty-five years old, poet, and solitary Satanist. DNI: fascists, racists, homophobes, transphobes, and any other hateful shit. If you are ultra-conservative, this isn’t the place for you. Outcasts welcome! Forgive my bad English, for I’m Brazilian and I need to use Google Translate to write my posts and communicate with other Tumblr users.
Eve, Lilith & Satan
Brimdraw Asks: I’m interested in Eve as a figure in Satanism. Is there a book, video, podcast, or anything that I can go to regarding that subject?
The importance of Eve to Satanism was only demonstrated by the scholar, Per Faxneld, in chapter four of his book “Satanic Feminism” – Lucifer as the liberator of women in nineteenth century culture — as the author himself wrote:
“The notion that women are especially receptive to Satan’s curses is very old and quite prominent throughout much of the history of Christianity. This idea often derives its authority from Genesis, chapter three, which shows Eve as the first to succumb to the temptation of the Serpent.”
Unfortunately, most Satanists do not realize how important Eve is to Satanism. According to the Bible and Christianity, she was the first human being to disobey divine authority. Satanists, in general, give more importance to Lilith as a female satanic figure. Which isn’t exactly a problem, since I’m also a Lilithian. However, Lilith is closer to Judaism than Christianity. And we have to admit, if we want to be honest historically and intellectually speaking, that Satanism was only able to emerge because of Christianity. Therefore, Eve plays a central role in satanic spirituality!
“When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it.” — Genesis, chapter 3, paragraph 6.
Thank you, Anarcho-Satanism, for this reminder — What does this tell us? — That Eve/Lilith is the catalyst. She was the one who set the whole ball rolling. Adam was collateral damage in the process.
The feminine power of “Lilith’s Kind” cannot be underestimated. A long-time inspiration for me has been Hoku Lani. She writes with a razor edge. Her comments, posts, and insights are scattered through LS666. Just put her name into the search function — and you’ll find her. She is also well-known on MEWE and Tumblr. She’s prolific with her clarity, cohesion, and comprehension of all that we are force-fed and led to believe is “gospel” (yes, I meant it as a pun). One of my early experiences was finding myself drawn to this feminine power — not that I wanted to be feminine — but more, an appreciation of its significance.
There’s just something about Eve that I’ve always been driven too, as a very young child in Catholic school looking at the bible seeing Eve in the garden with the serpent standing by the the tree of knowledge has always made my satanic cock extremely hard, I feel some how I have her bloodline in me???
Sitting in school looking at the Bible with EVE naked with Satan slithering around her I’d love to stare at eve with her long flowing hair, her long legs, her huge tits, mmmmm
I wished the Bible would have shown her standing there with her legs spread apart wide grabbing the dark master god Satan serpent head and forcing him up her wet juicy cunt in front of God and heaven rolling her eyes back masterbation of serpent Satan up her unholy cunt the true first form of beastiality and her loving every filthy unholy inch of his scaly skin rubbing against her clit making her cummmmm dripping 💦 👿👿💦💦👿💦👿 as she pleasures her twat mmmm
Hail Satan
Hail Eve
Hail beastiality
Hail the forbidden fruit
No doubt that you’re related by blood. An evil and twisted servant of Satan. With a direct linage to corruption, wickedness, and the wanton destruction of innocence. XP.
Mmmmmm your so right!!!
I am looking for someone to guide me in to the service of Lord Satan. Please guide me and share your wisdom.
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