Feature Writer: Hoku Lani
Feature Title: Enlightenment
Published: 04.10.2020 / MEWE
There are many reasons that caused me to become more enlightened. The bible or the good book, appears to be a collection of stories designed to control and manipulate gullible people and scare them into compliance.
Even today, in the midst of a global pandemic, times have not changed. The world religions still prey on the gullible and exert control. If one were to truly look at the collection of stories, they would recognize the evil contained within and as a result be better off.
Here are a few examples of the evil, as follows:
Woman Raped and Dismembered
Judges 19:22 through 29, describes a mob of people demanding to rape a guest visiting a godly man ( I know sounds like Sodom & Gomorrah) The man refused and offered to send out his virgin daughter. Eventually he sent out his girlfriend instead of his daughter. The mob of men raped and used the girlfriend all night long and returned her in the morning. The servant of god told his now slightly used and apparently used to death, get up lets go. When she did not respond he placed her on a donkey and headed home. Once he got home, he cut her into 12 pieces and sent her one piece at a time to each of the 12 tribes of Israel
3,000 Killed for making a golden god
Exodus 32, describes part of the Ten Commandments fairy tale, when Moses climbed Mount Sinai. While he was there, the Israelites got bored and went to Moses brother and asked him to make them a god to worship. The calf was made, and the Israelites drank and had a wonderfully great orgy in honor of the new god. Moses when he observed all the festivities, smashes the commandments and orders his supporters to strap on swords and go throughout the camp and kill family, friends, and neighbor. The result was 3,000 dead….and god then sent a plague.
More Evil
Revelation 9:7 through 19, god plans even more evil for us. horse like locusts with human heads and scorpion tails. They will torture people for 5 months and after that angels will kill a third of Earth’s population, about 2.5 billion.
I leave you with this, why is bestiality omitted from god’s Ten Commandments?
Hail Lilith
Hail Hoku Lani
Daughter of Lilith
Hail Sotar — I followed that conversation you had on Modern Christianity (it was one of the MEWE threads) — with the guy call GD — very interesting to him talk about FREE WILL — and it made me really think about how much of his beliefs were actually FREE or his own WILL — as the GOOD BOOK says “Thy WILL be done” — not “My WILL be done” (I prescribe to the latter of the two statements) — FREE WILL is about MY WILL not some fake god
Thank You
Hail Sotar — pleasure — did you know that there are 50 million abortions each year? I wonder what God would allow that? If he existed in the first place?
No I did not know
Thank You Xpanther
Love your writing
Hail Satan
Hail Lilith
Hail Sotar – I’m waiting for a miracle – I remember the first time I called His name and I came so hard – my heart felt as if it was going to explode
Hail XP,
Tanya and I prefer the fucking porn in the god-damned Bible; only my Satanic Wife surpasses the fucking evil 😈 of the biblical bad girl’s.
Hail Marcus … beautiful … blasphemous and perverted