Writer: Evilgodfucker1 / [email protected]
Subject: Enjoy the Dark Side
Link: Tumblr / 04.11.2021
Enjoy the Dark Side
We all have a dark side but most of us keep it hidden and locked up deep inside themselves. These are the ones that will never fully discover who they really are. The dark is part of them but they are afraid of letting it out because they fear it. By keeping it locked up inside they are only living with a part of who and what they are. They are denying a part of themselves that would bring them pleasures that they can only dream about. So embrace the dark inside you and allow it to lead you into the most awesome and satisfying pleasures you cam imagine.
Let Satan Rule You
Everyone let Satan rule you.Stop resisting Him. Let Him in. Open your heart, mind and soul to Him. Then when that is done let the beast transform you into first a minion of Satan’s then as you become more evil and go deeper in the darkness of hell the beast will transform you into the next higher level of servant of Satan. It is possible to work your way up to the beast transforming you into a bonafide demon. That my friends is the highest honor and rank that a human can achieve.
All you need is lust
Lust is all you need to enjoy all the pleasures of the flesh no matter what they may be. Let your lust guide you into feeling of pleasure you only dream about. Only allow your lust to drive you and Satan will do the rest.
Take my fucking soul
Satan has already taken my soul and He is keeping it in hell till it is my time to be called to hell for all eternity. If you want Satan to take your soul and you feel He has not done so yet you can if you want allow me to guide you in becoming totally one with Satan and in rejecting and renouncing the Christian God in heaven for all eternity then contact me at [email protected] and I will guide you in that. Your soul will become mine to take care of until you are called to hell by Satan and it is then that satan will take your soul for all eternity.
Your piece speaks the truth. Give yourself to the true God, Satan, who lives forever. Reject the fake god, Jesus, who is dead and never coming back.