Energy Vampires by Satan Is Meng

Writer: Satan Is Meng

Subject: Energy Vampires

Link: Tumblr / 23.04.2024

Energy Vampires

Correcting someone else’s mistakes?

Initially a foolish idea, except in cases where the person genuinely desires it. Today, let’s talk about energy vampires and their usual “diets.” They’re cunning and skilled but fall prostrate at the sight of a Satanist. For all new participants and adept investigators, this post will contain quite useful information.

Who are “Energy Vampires”?

This term is typically used metaphorically to describe individuals who absorb energy, life force, or positive emotions from others, leaving them worn out, depleted, or even depressed. They’re easy to spot; they tend to seek attention, criticize your actions, and make absurdity out of anything that doesn’t align with their opinion, whether it’s hobbies, life plans, or simple interaction with others, but not with them. A vivid example of a strong draining vampire could be your egocentric boss or a jealous partner. Best ways to eradicate the negative influence of such individuals:

1. Establishing and defending personal boundaries:

One of the key aspects of Satanism. You must determine what is acceptable to you and what is not and set clear boundaries with others.

2. Rejecting influence:

It’s important to learn to reject negative influences and emotional pressure from energy vampires. This may include the ability to restrain emotions and not allow others to affect your emotional state.

3. Self-respect:

You must be your example, remember all your merits and achievements, and not let others tarnish them. Develop a multitude of achievements.

4. Taking control of oneself:

Satanists advocate taking responsibility for one’s life and actions. This means that you must strive for self-awareness, recognize your strengths and weaknesses, and manage your reactions to the surrounding world. Control can vary from emotional to financial. It’s not always easy to spot them when the vampire wears a mask of kindness and caring.

If something about someone else’s behavior doesn’t suit you, lay all your cards on the table immediately. “Energy vampires” don’t change; their entire life is built on feeding off your well-being with the sole purpose of exhausting you, making you just like them. Particularly sophisticated ones, deprived of enough attention in childhood, are even ready to provide for you with the sole purpose of controlling and feeding off your negativity; for them, it’s “nothing,” but you’re already “indebted.”

Remember, your life is in your hands; don’t let others have more influence on it than you want, or fall into the trap of controlling your well-being. Hint — If you feel dependent on another, and it weighs you down, you’re already trapped in their influence.


Fuck those people, who take up your time and energy, giving nothing back. They are leaches that need to be cut out of your life. Don’t let them pull you down with them. I have experienced so many of these kinds of people, that call themselves, friends, family, lovers … don’t be fooled. Satan cares!

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