Energy Transference by Hoku Lani

Writer: Hoku Lani

Subject: Energy Transference

Link: Tumblr / 01.03.2024

Energy Transference

In some cases, what sexual energy needs is a time of celibacy. Sexual energy does not need another person. It never has. There are times that the creator, Lilith, wants you to demonstrate your Divinity, and setting a boundary around your body and your relationships means you can access sexuality as an aspect of spirituality.

Many organized religions fear sexual expression. But many deeply spiritual people already understand that the energy of sexuality can be one of the purest ways to connect to something larger than ourselves. Both Lilith and Lucifer have shown many occult scholars that sexual energy can be used to heal our hearts or manifest a desire we are passionate about.

Your Lust isn’t just about sex and orgasms. It’s your life force, the source of your will to power. Honor it as such.

2 thoughts on “Energy Transference by Hoku Lani”

  1. Dear Hoku, We have not met, although I not only enjoy your writings, but I have learned a great deal from you. You have helped me vicariously, nonetheless effectively, to go deeper into the spiritual realm of Lucifer’s darkness and perverted sexual sin. I truly appreciate your regular contributions here. I am certain that many people here have benefited from your experiences and wisdom. As for me, I am absolutely in love with Lucifer and I now worship him on my knees and bow low before his sexual power. You have mentioned the vital importance of orgasms. Well said and true.

    Hopefully we can connect at some time to share insights. Thank you again for your contributions here.

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