Writer: Muscledemon666
Subject: Do You Feel The Hunger?
Link: Tumblr / 01.03.2024 / TELEGRAM: @darkdemondar666 / INSTAGRAM: darkdemondar666
Do You Feel The Hunger?
The time is here. Give into your lust and darkest perversions. There’s no right, no wrong. Only your needs as driven by your cock and seed. Dwell in the holiness of your seed. For cum is the fuel of the cosmos.
Stop fighting your lust, stop feeling the guilt, and deny any shame for you were born to spread your seed. It is your sacred duty as a man that you and all you come into contact with must serve the cock! Nightly. Day after day. You must say these words.
“I must serve the cock. I must worship the cock. The cock is God. There is only the cock!”
The new era is being born. Satan is awakening the world. His world is rising. Give yourself to him and be set free! I am “Dar”. Here to guide and empower you in his name!
As I do daily, I masturbated all over a bible today, as my Lord Satan approves of and encourages me to do.
I felt so good and relaxed for hours afterwards.
And I thought that Jesus tries to guilt me into not doing something that brings me so much pleasure.
But belief in my beloved Dark Lord makes me immune to such human-hating guilt.
Fuck Jesus. He is slavery.
Praise Satan. He is freedom.
Hello SATANWORSHIPPER and can you give me a message on my email and I would love to get to know each other and talk about anything you want
Hail Satan, you and cock i will always serve and worship.