Writer: Soulinthemist
Subject: Divining the Entrails
Link: Tumblr / 28.06.2022 / Reposted by Scottyric-666
Divining the Entrails
… Haruspicy, Anthromancy & the Dark Lord
Do I divine or interpret entrails as part of my worship of the Dark Lord? An interesting question considering the web is full of images of it happening in history of a seeming satanic human and animal sacrifice and similar activity on an altar. While pagan religions were said to have practiced human sacrifice, there is really no record of divination or interpreting the entrails doing so except in ancient records but nothing of divination of entrails.
A lot of what we know about animal sacrifices by witches and satanists are found in the anti-pagan, anti-Satan xian writings which were, for the most part, propaganda pieces and not based on actual occurrences. I have been in the craft for some time and I haven’t confronted any spells, etc, that involve reading or divining the entrails of birds or animals.
As a woman who loves to cook I admit I examine and divine the entrails of fish, birds and the occasional chicken, and the occasional hog when we have a barbecue back home for one purpose only and that is to determine if the animal or fish is edible.
There are those who push blood sacrifices of varying types but I avoid these because the Dark Lord that leads me doesn’t compel me to do so. Even the Hebrew sacrifices of the Old Testament have been abandoned by the Jews in favor of prayer.
Most are aware of the blood brother ritual of native Americans where there is a handshake where blood is mixed but with today’s fear of bodily liquids transmission the practice isn’t as popular as it was when I was a girl and actually did so with a girlfriend with the pricking of the finger (at least for us). What I am sharing is that I am unaware of the need to divine entrails, as was practiced by the Greeks, Romans, etc, and haven’t been instructed by the Dark Lord I follow to do so.
I am reminded of an old movie I saw online called, “Hallelujah Trail” where Donald Pleasance played a character, “Oracle Jones”, who experienced visions brought on by good whiskey. I still laugh remembering how he would look upward as others looked on, and consuming his glass, the heavenly music would strike up and he would say, with emphasis, “I see it noooowww.”
Needless to say, I haven’t enjoyed such an experience but I have had, “Light bulb” realizations and I have experienced, in my pentagram, what I say for myself was the presence of the Dark Lord and it was not at all like one sees in the horror and other movies which try to replicate what is supposed to happen. Is it that all of my experiences have been positive? I can’t say. I don’t know. What I can say in response to the question posed is the practice often used by the diviners of the past (called haruspec’s if they examine animals and anthromancer if they examined humans) and all I know of the practices are what one can read online, which I don’t because the practice isn’t one I am interested in engaging in.
If someone has, I invite their comments and information. However, since the xian Bible and other materials assert that, “Life is in the blood”, my feeling and the way I am led is the Dark Lord wants me alive and kicking to aid in his work rather than dead and wherever because that will come soon enough.
The xian God wants no believer to worry about death if they are on, “His side of the fence”, at least he says so with the little known scripture, “Absent from the body, present with the Lord.” That says a lot. The problem is xians have to be focused on the eternal and not on real life because sin is everywhere and we are constantly under condemnation for them. The follower of the Dark Lord is called to enjoy life and mortality is a fact of life so, like the xian, we shouldn’t fear death though we do because all of us fear the unknown and often death happens in ways we don’t want. I need to get back on topic.
Much of what it means to, “Divine” or read the entrails is lost to us. Besides, are we all called to do so other than to guard our health? Even then holy men or women were charged with the task.
What about the naked woman on the altar we often see with satanism? A human sacrifice? Still, that has nothing to do with reading entrails. Sacrificing a living person or even an animal is a demonstration of persons’ power over life. I wonder why there is not some guy with a super huge cock being opened up for all to see rather than some “virgin” or questionable virginity and why was it always a woman in the artwork?
My reading of events when it comes to reading the entrails (the guts) back in the days when it was practiced was there were holy persons who were charged with the task. How many of us, “Consult the gods”, or the, “Auguries”, today? We do what? We pray and then for the most part after the fact.
The Dark Lord wants us to have a relationship with him and this relationship doesn’t demand being in church or at the temple all the time or even for a time because the relationship is personal and takes place, for me, in my personal worship spaces which I dedicate to him. I allow the Dark Lord to reveal himself and his wishes or whatever to me in whatever way he will or he wishes, which he often does by his remaining silent. The only time I read the entrails is to make sure the fish or meat is edible. I am open to instruction if there are those who engage in the effort.
The Dark Lord would be pleased.