Discovery by Hoku Lani

Writer: Hoku Lani

Subject: Discovery

Link: Tumblr / 03.07.2024


An old woman with a wild and mysterious nature told me to go into the sea. She said that it was there that I would find my destiny. I was hesitant about taking her advice but there was something about her that made me feel like I could trust her. She said that the sea was full of secrets waiting to be revealed. She said that I needed to take a leap of faith and take a journey of discovery.

I slowly walked towards the shore, the sound of the waves crashing on the sand made me feel peaceful and strange at the same time. When I reached the shore, I looked out into the vast horizon of the sea and took a deep breath. I knew that I could never come back from this journey, that I had to take a leap of faith and go into the abyss.

So I waded out into the sea, feeling the waves tugging at my feet. I felt the water surrounding my body and I knew that I was taking a journey that could change my life forever. When I turned to look at the old woman, a beautiful suborn-haired woman sat naked on the shore with an owl on her shoulder and a dog at her feet.


There is no more noble discovery than that of the waves of the “sea of secrets” as they wash ashore a tide of change. From Abrahimic imprisonment, the water of pleasure cleanses us and makes us realize the truth. We are not alone in our perversions, deviant desires, and dark thoughts.

Join then, in these times of the faithless. Turn away from the light. Seek the true darkness that compels you to dream of discoveries, long forbidden.

Take that leap of faithlessness — worship that which is most profane — and honor that which is filthy and corrupt. Allow those dark thoughts to peculate your heart. Evil is good. Good is evil. In the inverse world beyond the watery reflections of the “sea of secrets” — lies the abyss that welcomes you.

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