Writer: Regis
Subject: Devil Of A Time
Link: Email LS666 / 05.11.2022
Devil Of A Time
In my youth I worked at a bank, and everyone know the notoriously low rate of pay for bank employees. To keep on an even keel, I took a second job that was far more interesting. I had been an athlete, playing both high school and football. My second job was as a bouncer on weekends at a nightclub.
More accurately, a strip club. Back in the day these were popular, with a dozen or more in each city, providing lots of work for strippers, waitresses, bartenders and bouncers. The serving girls went topless, hired for the size of their tits and the length of their legs, and the girls on stage removed everything as part of their act.
The club where I worked got its strippers from the circuit that supplied girls throughout the country. These young ladies had seen it all, and were quite willing to impress people with their knowledge, if they trusted them. My job was to protect them, so they saw me as a good guy, which means I got to hear of their experiences.
During the breaks between shows when the band was playing and the topless waitresses were serving drinks as fast as they could, there was little risk of trouble, and I would sit with the girls in their dressing room to visit. That was where I heard the story I’m about to share. I heard it from two different pair of girls who traveled together, and I believe they were telling the truth.
They told me of a club in LA where the owner was a non-practicing MD, who the girls also said was a devout Satanist. They told me he staged special events in which he brought a fully pregnant girl on stage, had her strip, and with everyone watching, produce her baby. He was always present, and encouraged them to dance as long as they could.
As unbelievable as it seems, I heard this from two pair of girls, who swore it was true. They had both witnessed it, and heard from staff that it was not uncommon, sometimes happening every month or so. It was always done late at night, after the nightclub had cleared of its regular guests, and the hundred or so who witnessed it were Satanists.
However, that just set the stage. Six months later two of the girls who had told me this story were back at the club, and had an even more startling story to share. They had worked that same LA club, and this time what they witnessed was an even more spectacular show, and now the girls also danced.
The Satanists had rounded up four pregnant teens, and offered them each a thousand dollars to be in a birthing competition. They had all been discovered as clients of a prenatal clinic for single mothers. These girls, all in their early teens and due at the same time, were given a few weeks dancing on stage to get good at stripping in front of an audience, and then they were all put together for their special show.
This time they were all induced before going on stage, and they were promised four thousand for the girl who produced first. When they came on stage they wore only spike heels, and their elbows were tied tightly behind their backs, forcing their tits to bulge. There were four short stools with a pillow and white cover on them for them to dance over.
They were told they had to drop their babies onto the stools, with their arms tied couldn’t use their hands, and the white cover was there so that afterbirth and any blood they dropped would be highly visible. They all had to stay on the stage until the last baby arrived, and it took nearly two hours, but at last it was done, and the young ladies who deposited their newborn infants on the stools were given the choice to keep them or donate them to the society.
The strippers telling me this fantastic tale said the young girls all got their money, but had no idea whether any of them kept them to become single mothers. They were sure that all of them became professional sex performers or strippers. During the show there were lots of pictures taken of the strippers doing their dirty dancing, spanking their bare pussies while the younger girls popped their pups.
The photos made them part of the show, watching the action as they danced, and ensured they could never inform on the club or its owner. That was their story, and they swore it was the truth. I can only report what I was told, and have no reason to believe the four young ladies, in two different groups, lied.
Hail Satan hail Lilith, times are changing for the unholy demon’s that walk the earth from children to grandma and grandpa that have perverted satanic thoughts why they can’t stop no matter what they try to stop the never ending supply of wicked perversions going through there minds,
As one of those sick minded Satanic worshipping sluts for the dark master god Satan and Lilith my whole life has been in search of unholy acts tempting everyone regardless of age race sex to do and think wicked thoughts, once someone sees you do it they feel better about wanting to do it and I bring the deviat out in most everyone I meet young or old, I seem to know we’re to hide your sick thoughts, sex always brings out other deep perversions when your fucking a Christian women asking her while pumping her deep and hard if she like porn her hole is soaking wet cock is pounding hard she say yes I ask what kind she moans but answers all kinds while I taking my time to pump my satanic serpent juice in her hole I ask her if she like nigger porn she say yes alot, my cock gets harder I ask her as I twisted her nipples she moans more if she like illegal porn like beastiality porn k9 or horse or goat fucking porn, she answers yes she watches it I ask if she masturbate watching it and she says yes as I pump and pump the wicked bitch her nipples are like rocks I can hear her breathing is getting loader her Christian cunt is squeezing my cock wanting the cummm from it to blow deep into fuck hole at this point I tell her I worship Satan I fuck holes for the dark master god Satan and Lilith I’m a unholy predator hunting for Christian women and men to bring to the master lord after whispering this in her ear she say fuck my Satan fucking cum in me I want cum lots of Satanic cummm deep in me fuck your whore slut fuck my cunt Satan fuck when ever and as much as you want you filthy unholy bastard fuck me and cummmmmmm
Most ever Christian acts this way once you find there sick spot
Hail Satan
Hail Lilith
Hail unholy Christian’s
Wickr satanlittleboy
Brilliant Ray … loved it!
That is soooo true wow put well ray HAIL SATAN HAIL LILITH HAIL OR PERVISION