Subject: Demonstration Of Enlightenment
Link: MEWE / 12.03.2023
Demonstration Of Enlightenment
Imagine if you will, hundreds of men, women, and families cavorting about, casually, sparsely clothed, urinating on trees and alongside walking and hiking trails, and incredibly behaving in an unbridled, delightfully sordid sexual manner.
Tourists, visitors and locals socialize with their favorite lubricant, alcohol before the huge owl on a pedestal, found along the beach. These families and guests drink tons of alcohol, lounge about, attend special talks, and schmooze with each other for some two weeks. Residents that are closest report that perverse link-ups are commonplace, and these lust-filled, depraved beach goers exhibit little or no shame in coupling in plain sight.
The centerpiece of the two-week festival is the, “Demonstration Of Enlightenment,” ritual ceremonies. A virtual pre-missionary Polynesian paradise, in which the various gods and goddesses were worshiped, animalistic idols were venerated, sexual orgies were engaged in, and human beings sacrificed. Although you will not find on Trip Advisor, the, “Demonstration Of Enlightenment,” ritual ranks at the top of the must participate in events.
Along the shoreline stands a forty foot lava rock outcropping. Missionaries claimed It appeared to be the ancient Canaanite and Hebrew deity “Moloch” as an owl-like figure. Shrouded in flames, this owl deity is surrounded by hula dancers and visitors alike. During the ritual, chosen “Victims,” are sacrificed. Their screams and shrieks pierce and shatter the still night air. Some who submitted to the oppression of the Abrahamic missionaries say that these are satanic abominations being performed by some of the most powerful women on earth.
Lilith showed me that behavior is a demonstrable appreciation of the freedom from the organized religious oppression and to ignore claims that God sees all. There is no Abrahamic God, no Holy Spirit or ever was a man called Jesus Christ. Therefore, enjoy what brings you happiness and release of endorphins. For me, it is wickedness and perversions in-front an owl shaped lava rock outcrop on the beach participating in all forms of sexual release. Truly, truly, truly.
Hail The Beautiful Scribe of Lilith
Hoku Lani
Lilith’s Corruptress
Thank You My Brother Xpanther