Feature Writer: RitaFox

Feature Title: DEMON IN MY DREAM

Published: 13.03.2024

Story Codes: Demonic

Synopsis: Ariel’s meets Theydon, a demon in her dream.

Author’s Notes: This is the first time I have attempted writing a fantasy fiction like this. I have really enjoyed writing this and for my first, I am happy. unsure if I should continue, please let me know your thoughts.

Demon In My Dream

I found myself walking barefoot along a jagged path, with walls of rocks to my left, and a fiery abyss to my right. The heat surrounding me was making my body sweat, the beads forming on my skin, making it glisten from the glow of the flames. Wearing a long, clear satin gown, that seemed to flow effortlessly, moving with my body, so soft and weightless like a feather. My body visible as it moves beneath it, seemingly also different, I felt sexy and strong and strangely aroused.

My buttocks firm, my legs smooth, stretching before me in long strides, my bosom large, bouncing beneath the dress, swaying in a rhythm which moved in time with my strides. They seemed much bigger, more prominent, with my large nipples poking the fabric. My hair, a mass of swirls which cascade behind me, wild and long, the colour of fire, a hot red, a deep amber mixed with blonde, a blanket which followed me, as I moved.

I felt powerful, like I was no longer human but something more. As I near the end of the path, the darkness became thicker, as though it was looming over me, a shadowy eerie darkness covering everything. Within the darkness, I could see the flicker of flames, as I got closer, I’m faced with large spears which had flames burning from them, chains hung on the rocky walls, which had the skeletons of creatures, left hanging from them, skulls and various bones now littered the ground.

A shudder of fear creeps through me, as I feel goosebumps rise all over my body, my heart racing, as I find myself stood looking into a large mouth of a dark cave. Standing at the forbidding mouth, the darkness seemed to be calling me, as though there was something inside it wanted me to see. I could feel the force of something pulling me, making me wonder closer, shall I dare go in?

Stepping through the mass of bones which scattered the entrance, I slowly step forward, my eyes fixed into the darkness, which seemed to lead nowhere, it just went on and on. I could smell something, it was a deep, earthy smell, that of power, and of something big. I could feel myself shaking, as I cautiously continue, my curiosity and newfound inner feeling of power, was what kept me moving forward.

The smell getting stronger, each step also taking me deeper and deeper into the darkness of the cave. Along with the earthy musk that filled the air, there was the smell of blood and death, a feeling of pain and suffering. I could see that all around me were stains within the gravel and dirt, of blood and scrapings from nails being dragged along it, perhaps in a last attempt to get away. Unfazed, I keep moving forward.

Telling myself they were from animals, perhaps a fox or a deer, which had ventured into the cave, unable to escape the creature which claimed it. I wanted to believe that the cave was not terrifying, and that I didn’t already know, the bones were not that of animals, the scrapings not from a fox or a deer. They were from humans. Skeletons left to rot over time, stripped of their flesh, the reality was horrifying, yet I still didn’t stop moving forward.

Seeing more flames ahead, they lit up what lay before me, as I drew closer, I could see there was a huge steaming pool, the water was so clear, I could see the bottom. It was beautiful, with a small waterfall at the far end. The sound of the water was peaceful. The steam filled the air, as I walk to the edge of the pool, I bend down to touch the water, the heat felt so wonderful. It smelt so clean and fresh, the warmth so welcoming. As my fingers dip in, the warmth of the water travels up my arm, as if trying to lure me to enter it completely, the draw to obey and slip into the pool was so strong. Tempted, though I pull away, knowing I was not there for that, not yet anyway.

Standing, moving my gaze to see what else was around, longing to know where this cave led. Slowly moving from the pool, I head to what looked like blankets, there was an enormous bed, as I move over to it, the size making me gasp, as it was the size of a stage, the blankets were sprawled messily all over it, they were of fur and so soft, I touch them, my fingers smoothing over their softness, they were still warm from being led on. As I walk on, I realise that the mess of the bed and the warmth was a clear sign of someone or something, not long waking from it.

Continuing past the bed, the cave opened up, I could see the brightness from the moon shining down through splits within the rocks, as my eyes move once more, to look beyond the otherwise darkness that surrounded me, I see a figure.

A large figure, their silhouette just visible within the moonlight. As I focus my eyes, trying to make out if it was actually real, it suddenly turns. The ground under my feet churns from the sudden booms of its feet. I could feel eyes looking at me, I stand frozen, staring, as the dark figure starts moves towards me. The moonlight able to light up enough for me to see. The giant horns which adorned the mass of hair, which enveloped them, blowing wildly from the wind, which howled through the cave, it was the wind that had carried the scent I had smelt, the musty earthy scent, which I knew now, was from him.

I could see his face, he was utterly breathtaking. His large eyes like diamonds, shining at me, their green glow and the darkness of his pupils mesmerising, as his eyes lock onto me. His cheekbones high, with a square jaw, which looked like he had been carved from stone, utter perfection.

As my eyes are drawn to his huge body, I could see he was not a human, his face was that of a human man, though his body was not, it was something different, something from a fairytale. His body was huge, beast like, yet incredibly alluring. With a swollen chest, which was just muscles, he looked fierce, his veins visible, as his muscles swelled with each breath he took.

Broad shoulders, leading to his wide set arms, his hands massive, each one, so big they could easily crush me with no effort. Each finger laden with a claw that looked as sharp as a razor, capable of slicing through flesh with no effort at all. He was a giant. Seeing him stood, I could see on his firm waist he was wearing a loincloth, which hung down over his private area, his muscular thighs either side of it, leading to his large bare feet.

I felt his stare intensify, as I find myself moving closer to him, as if he was pulling me with his stare, using an invisible rope. Now stood in front of him, barely a foot away, I looked up, he towers over me, I barely reached his knees. Standing there, unsure if I should speak, but at the same time, felt sure that if I tried, no sound would come out.

“Woman, why are you here?” He boomed, his loud voice making me cover my ears, cowering, as his tone was also terrifying. A roar bellowing, as it echoed through the cave. Before I could speak, he grabs hold of me within his giant hands, his sharp claws surrounding me, as I am held tight in his grasp. Lifting me to his face, his eyes narrow, looking fierce.

“You dare come in here, who are you?” He growls, showing his fangs. Though despite his terrifying look, he was still breathtaking. Feeling my body shaking within his grasp, his eyes soften, instantly changing his face, I am in awe, as I’m left staring, no longer feeling scared. He was also staring at me, our eyes meet each other, our stare so intense, for that second it was as though he was trying to talk to me, silently entering my mind, I could feel him, his thoughts seeming confused, yet intrigued. He was trying to get at my thoughts, know what I was thinking.

“Mmmmm you are different. Your……….who are you?”

He snarls, despite his eyes softening, he still seemed unfriendly, guarded, ready to tear me apart, if he so chose.

“Ariel” I mutter quietly, feeling helpless, thinking he could kill me any second, though something was telling me he won’t. Instead, he carefully places me on his bed, the soft fur blankets wrapping around me, as I fall back. I hadn’t notice him move, too focused on his face to look away.

“Ariel………hmm.” He growled slightly softer this time, as he moved to sit on the bed. As he sat, he moved his hand over my dress, using his sharp claw, he pressed it on the fabric, cutting through it, leaving me led bare before him. His eyes looking at my nakedness, he seemed fascinated. His claw tracing the edges of my body, as I lay motionless, other than the odd tremble of shudder, if he let his claw catch my skin.

“You are not from here?.”

His hand now touching my body, he was pressing it against me, his claws brushing against my skin, but not cutting me, I remained still, holding my breath as somehow, I knew he wasn’t going to hurt me.

“I don’t know” I say quietly, not knowing where I was.

“You are human, though are different, your a woman.”

“Yes, Have you not seen a woman before?”

I look at him, seeing his eyes dart to mine angrily.

“Of course I have……many……just….not of your kind.”


“Yes. You………your”

“What?” I lift myself up, feeling something stir deep inside me, as I sit, he moves one of his claw to my chin, pressing it firmly as if to warn me.

“Don’t. I will kill you, I might yet…….though I am thinking perhaps you would like to live, am I right?”

“Yes.” I say, barely a whisper, as I feel the sharpness of his claw against chin. He was also squeezing his giant fingers around my throat, I was not scared, my body reacted differently, excitement filling my core. My chest heaving, as I notice my nipples were erect, like rocks from arousal, my breathing rapid as I feel my body trembling, yet not from fear. He notices my reaction, releasing his grip, he pulls his hand away. Turning himself towards me, he lifts his leg, as he leans forward, leaning over me, his large arms either side of my shoulders, I felt so tiny under him. I look down his formidable body, so big and muscular, noticing his loincloth had fallen forward.

I shudder a moment, when I see what it was shielding. His penis was something I could not take my eyes off. It was as long as my arm and as wide too, his end was throbbing, with a hint of pre cum dampening it, he was very much aroused, his veins swelling, as his giant member throbbed. I gasp, my insides hot, as I feel the dampness forming in my channel, the pulsing of my vulva, as body yearned him. He did not seem fazed by my reaction, as though it was normal.

“I’m Theydon, I reign here. Humans come and try to hurt me, but fail. They call me a demon, yet it is them behaving like demons….”

I lay there, as he continued, the anger he unleashed in his words utterly terrifying, yet as I listen, I can see that he was not all scary. His size made him intimidating, with his partial beast body, he was still full of emotion, feelings and pain. He was just fascinating.

“……invading my home with weapons to hurt me. I am Theydon and this is my home, I will fight and rip them apart until I….” He bellowed on.

I find myself completely lost in his words, watching his body, as his anger took hold. His erection swaying teasingly from behind the fabric of his loincloth, as his arms flayed, adding to his rant. As his eyes look at me, he suddenly stopped yelling, he looked at me with something different in his eye. He was looking at me in a hungry, lustful manner.

He starts smelling the air, as he moved forward, licking his lips with his long tongue, swirling it around his fangs as he lowered himself to my slit, with a quick flick of his tongue, the end wipes against me, he tastes my arousal, his growl a low humming.

The vibrations making me get more and more turned on, unable to stop it. Lifting his head, he stares at me, watching, as I find myself laying back, responding silently, as if I knew what he wanted.

He leans down, his wild hair trailing over my breasts, as he moves up my body, with his face close to mine, his breath in my face, his eyes calling me, pulling me in.

Lifting myself, I move into him, my lips touching his, I feel him kiss me back, his force gentle but with determination, my tongue enters, brushing his sharp fangs, as I move it around to explore, tasting him, feeling him. His kiss was so strong, I felt as though I was floating. Feeling his arm move, as his hand slides down my body, his claws careful not to cut me, his touch erotic and slow. I could feel myself tingling inside, throbbing as my muscles flex, yearning to feel him.

Pulling away from my kiss, he starts to move after his hand. My hands grapple his hair as it surrounded me, pulling, as my body jerked from his breath. He was licking my stomach, his long tongue swirling as he continued down. His other hand moving down, touching me. He was now over my opening, my knees bent, my legs open as he brushed his tongue over my clitoris, swirling to coax it out, pressing his mouth over me, as he sucks hard, pushing his tongue deep inside.

It was something I had felt before, his tongue was exploring deep inside me, tasting my pleasure from within my core, licking my inner walls as his lips press against my labia. My body going wild, as I had no control over its movements. Bucking and contorting from the incredible pleasure he was giving me, arching my back, thrusting, taking hold of his horns, I pull him into me, thrusting into his face, as he continued enjoying my excitement.

I could feel his tongue swirling inside me, as I am engulfed with an incredible rush, overcoming every inch of my body, rippling through me like an avalanche, I cum hard, my orgasm being swallowed by him, as he did not stop, his mouth suckling every tremor as my body released it, shuddering as it calms, trembling as he enjoyed lapping up my orgasm.

Feeling him pulling back his tongue, giving me a strange feeling as he pulls it from me, licking his lips, while he looks down at my trembling body, my eyes meet his, longing for more, he could see this in my eyes, my desire for him. He lifts himself, kneeling before me, taking hold of his giant member, he starts stroking it, as he watches my naked body wriggle and twitch from under him.

He had just given me pleasure like nothing I’d felt, just from his tongue, the thought of his giant penis inside me was just thrilling. Was I really going to let this beast of a man claim me with it?

Closing my eyes, I open my legs, lifting my hips to beckon him, and welcoming him to enter. I could feel the excitement, as my body prepared for him, lifting and thrusting my hips, to lure him to take me. I want him to push as much of himself in me as possible. I wanted to be stretched, as far as he could risk. As I wait, my body felt so charged from excitement, mixed with fear and anticipation, unsure how he would actually fit inside me, I didn’t care.

Suddenly, I feel something which interrupts everything. Something was shaking me, a rough hard shake, as my whole body is pushed and pulled back and forth. Opening my eyes, I see my room mate, Cathy shaking me vigorously.

“ARIEL, ARIEL” She shouts.

My eyes widen and I stare at her shocked. Where had Theydon gone, he was about to….I pause my thoughts, glancing at my naked body on the bed, and Cathy looking concerned leaning over me. Pulling the blanket over myself I huddle into my knees, feeling embarrassed.

“Thank goodness, I thought you were having some sort of fit.” She said sighing, relief covering her face as she steps back.

“What happened?” I ask, pulling the blanket up to my chin, feeling a sudden sense of cold and loneliness sweep through me. Realising I was back in my room, on my bed.

“No idea, you woke me screaming, I came in and you were thrashing your arms about, but still asleep. Well scary.”

“Sorry, I think I was dreaming.”

“More of a nightmare from the looks of it, you even ripped off your nightie.”

She held up the torn rag of fabric that was once my nightie, destroyed.

“Oh.” I felt embarrassed again.

Had I really just had a bad dream, it felt so real. Theydon felt real. I felt his breath and how it felt on my face. I could still feel the grip he had as he held me. I could feel where his tongue was inside, both my mouth and deep in me, it was still tingling from my orgasm, so fresh, I swear I could smell it. I sit confused, unsure what to say, Cathy left my room and I quickly rush to the bathroom to take a shower, needing to clear my head of the thoughts of that dream.

What a time to be woken up as well, he was just about to take me, it would’ve been wonderful. Disappointed, I step into the shower and turn on the water. As I cleaned my body and washed my hair, I tip my head back, as I swill the water from my body, pushing the suds through my hair. Water trickles down my face, as my hands move to wipe it away, I feel a sudden pain under my chin.

My finger touching it, I shudder realising there was a small cut. In that moment everything seemed to stop, as though time had stood still. I realise that my chin bore the mark of his claw, from when he held me in his hands, meaning he was real. It was not a dream. Yet how was that possible. I woke up, no longer in his cave, I was in my room. Turning off the shower, I rush back to my room, picking up my nightie, I hold it up, looking at how it had been torn, remembering how he had used his claw to split it, shredding it from my body. It damage was as though something had split through it, yet how?

Sitting on my bed, wrapped in my towel, I am left feeling very confused. How could I be in a dream, or how could my dream come into my real life? No I must be crazy. I must have ripped my nightie during my sleep, cutting my chin in the process, it was the only explanation. Satisfied, partially that I had an explanation for last night, I proceed to get dressed.

I had work in an hour and this chaos had held me up getting ready.

My hair was wild, a mass of fiery curls which I just couldn’t tame. Pulling on a pair of black knickers, and a sports bra, I pull on my favourite jumper, a black hoodie with a giant skull with flames burning through it on the front. On the back it had the words ‘Fire & Rage.’ I pull on a pair of blue jeans, comfy and easy. Slipping on my trainers, I grab my bag and phone and head off to work.

I work at a gift shop, it was great fun and it meant I got to learn a lot about old things, antiques and collectibles. I had worked here for the last two years. My boss Howard was into antiques and knew a lot of things. Curious, I ask him.

“Hey Howard, do you know anything about demons?”

“Huh, demons?” He looks up from the old clock he was fixing. Seeing the look on my face, he could see I was being serious.

“Well, a demon is not a pleasant creature, cast within the deep pits of hell, feeding on lost souls, to spend eternity suffering, causing pain and torturing any who get too close.”

“Right…..what about a half demon?”

“Oh….. now that is interesting, a Cambion, now that is the offspring from the union between a demon with a human, very interesting but just as feared. Why?”

He looked puzzled at my sudden interest.

“Just curious is all………..a Cambion, can they exist for real, like here?”

“Sorry, no, they are purely mythical beings, in fairytales and stories, Ariel, are you sure your alright?”

“Yes, sorry. I just……….I just wanted to know.”

“Perhaps a few too many horror movies, am I right?”

“Yes maybe.”

Clearly, what happened last night was just my imagination going a little too far. I knew demons weren’t real, it was just silly of me to even give it a thought. How could a demon be in my dream and have an affect on my real life, it was just not possible. Leaving Howard to his clock, I start cleaning the shelves.

After many months, they were in good need of a dust. Many of the items had been sat on the same shelf for years, Howard’s shop was unique, people came and went, already knowing what they were looking for, very few stayed to browse the variety of unusual items hiding within.

While dusting, I find an old book, the spine was bound with leather, as I pulled it free from the shelf, the weight took me by surprise, nearly dropping it, catching it in my lap. As I crouch with it nestled on my thighs, I dust off the cover. Wiping the thick film of dust which masked the details below. As I wiped the cover it is slowly revealed. The red of the lettering encased in a leather cast, which smelt of musky damp and leaves. A picture etched into the leather with such detail and precision, it was stunning.

The image was a fiery background with a spectacular creature, large and wide with giant claws and horns which had blood dripping from them. Dead bodies were on the ground, under its giant feet. The creature had deep green eyes, like that of a cat, narrow slits which had an air of power within their stare. Taking in the image, running my fingers over the shapes, feeling how it was within the leather, yet also seemed to react to my touch. It was as though the book was breathing each time my fingers touched the discoloured leather. The book was titled ‘Wrath of all Demons’

Inside the cover, as I lift it, the inner page had fingerprints of blood, drops dot the page which made the hairs on the back of my neck stand in end. A strange whoosh of air swirled around me, making me shudder from its cold, the chill quickly replaced by a hot burning, like a fire burning ferociously. Turning the page, written in old ink.

‘We seduce the men, making them want us, fill and claim us, they are our next meal, our spirits form union within the deep, we are powerful and will thrive, join us.”

Under it, written in a different ink was,

“We will devour their men and enjoy their women, we can rein side by side and watch the humans fall.”

I slam it shut, a shudder corses down my spine, putting the book under my arm, I return to the counter, laying it on top, looking at it. Perhaps this had the answers I needed. Howard wondered over, seeing the book, he stopped.

“Ariel, is there something you need to talk to me about?”

“Oh no, I just found this, thought I would give it a read is all.”

“Right………….don’t mess with fire my girl, darkness consumes all.” He shrugged, as he moved towards the back of the shop, he was always saying odd thing which never made much sense.

Getting comfortable I begin reading this mysterious book. Opening it up once more, I am sucked into the knowledge it bestowed upon me. My mind curious and open to find out what was going on, I needed answers. Hopeful that this book could help give me some. The eerie feel of the book returned, as I open it, a strange glow appears, faint like a candle, showing me the words on the page.

‘All demons are cast to the fiery depths of hell, feeding on souls and gaining pleasure from the torture and suffering they create. Building their strength to unite, preparing for the moment they can unleash their desires onto the mortals, rising up to take their destiny and reign as the ultimate being.’

‘Using their sexual lure and power of manipulation to gain the attention of humans, giving them pleasure before tearing them to pieces, devouring their flesh. Spawning from this union, younglings, nurtured and grown to build their army of soldiers. Capturing Nephilim, forcing the union of them with Cambion, finding the perfect pairing so they can procreate. Creating a new life. A creature to become so powerful and unique, we will keep him hidden within the caves, waiting for the perfect time to set him free. The union of both good and Evil created him, with the human element, he will be the ultimate creature. This creature will rise and claim his rightful place as King of the seven realms.’

‘A succubus is a demon or supernatural entity in female form, that appears in dreams to seduce men, usually through sexual activity. A succubus needs semen to survive, repeated sexual activity with a succubus will result in a bond being formed between the succubus and the man, and a succubus will drain or harm the man with whom she is having intercourse.’

‘An incubus, which is a demon in male form that seeks to have sexual intercourse with sleeping human women, the counterpart of a succubus. They thrive on the need to dominate and unleash their powerful seed, their power and force during procreation killing nearly all that are claimed. Those that lived were used as vessels to carry a youngling. It is believed that repeated sexual activity with an incubus or succubus may result in the deterioration of health, and impaired mental state, or even death.’

‘Cambion is a demon which is born from the union of a demon and a human. A cambion can have the appearance of a human and a soul, but also possesses demonic powers that set them apart from ordinary humans. They can often be distinguished by supernatural entities with keen senses and pick up the “smell” of demonic traits. They are powerful demons.’

Powers and abilities


Super Strength

Astral Perception: They are able to see hidden supernatural activities and beings such as Reapers, ghosts, hellhounds and angels.

Super Senses



Weather Manipulation

A Nephilim, is the offspring of an Angel and demon, they can chose to side with the Angels or with demons. They consume blood in an identical fashion like vampires. They have near identical traits as a cambion. Both strength and abilities. Both immortal.’

‘The ultimate creature to become King of the seven realms is the result of the coming together of a Nephilim with a Cambion. This union will spawn the new King, who will grow so powerful the earth will shake when he roars to claim his rightful thrown.’

Wow! It was all very complicated. Yet, I still had no idea what Theydon was. He seemed like a Cambion, though he could be a Incubus. He was clearly half beast and half man, so did that make him something entirely different? A Minotaur? No, he is most definitely a type of demon. Yet, he has a lure which seemed to be welcoming, though his demeanour and presence fierce and unfriendly. At first he seemed angry, hostile, though quickly became aroused, he could even be described as being somewhat gentle, leaving me more than willing to give myself to him.

When my shift finished, I head back to my apartment, Cathy had work tonight so I was alone. However tonight, I wanted to know if I was truly going mad, was my dream more than it seemed. After last night and the ripping of my nightie, I decide on wearing nothing, least that way, I would have no more destroyed clothes. As I lay there waiting to fall asleep, my mind on Theydon, his giant body and how he was on the verge of taking me, oh how I longed for that moment back. I close my eyes, my mind full of thoughts of Theydon, his body and his touch.

I feel a sudden pain shoot through my body, as the firm grip on my ankles tightens, my body is floating as it is held, opening my eyes, I find myself back on Theydon’s bed, on my back with him kneeling before me, holding my ankles, lifting me, as he guides his giant end to my opening. His hair hanging over his face, as he leans himself forward. Releasing my left ankle, to let it fall onto his shoulder, he suddenly thrusts with an almighty force which makes me scream, like nothing I have ever felt before, he enters me, my vagina stretches as his length is forced inside, I cannot breathe as he pushes deeper and deeper. I feel like I am going to be torn in two, from the force of his length going deeper and deeper.

He was only a fifth inside me and still pushing. His powerful thrusts and grunts not relenting, despite my pained screams. I am stuck completely, unable to move as he lifts me, holding my waist, he moves my body up and down onto his shaft, thrusting as hard as he dare without seriously hurting me. I was like a rag doll, as he continued to take me. My whole body shaking from pleasure, I could feel myself coming, the rush engulfing me like a wave swooping over me.

With a satisfied moan, Theydon follows me over the edge, his thrusts becoming erratic and uncontrolled. His face contorts with pleasure as he empties himself inside me, and for a moment, we are connected, our bodies and souls entwined in a dance of passion and desire. As the moment fades and our breathing begins to steady and the warmth and tingling begins to fade, Theydon is gone, he disappears like a breeze being carried by the wind, a mass of energy leaving my body.

I begin to stir, the slight glow from the rising sun hitting my face, slowly blinking awake, as my body stirs with me. I lay there a moment, the feeling inside me raw and achy, it was a familiar feeling of recent intercourse, yet I was alone. Slightly confused, I push my hand down my body to touch where I ached, as my hand touches, I shudder, my hand met with a dampness which was unlike anything I had felt before. Looking at my sodden fingers, a thick cream coats them, a thick cream which seemed familiar yet not. Flashes of my dream come into my mind, the heat and power of my body being taken, the force of being impaled deeply as though being split in half from his force, it was then I remember how he had released inside me, the sheer power behind his release lifted me into the air and then he was……….I sit up.

No, my mind was racing. Unsure how this could be, it couldn’t be, it was impossible. Pulling myself from my bed, I look at my body, staring at my reflection in the mirror, turning to check everywhere. As I look closely, I could see the scratches, the teeth marks on my neck, running my hands over them, I stand feeling bewildered and slightly unsure. My sides still felt so full, looking between my legs, I could see his remanence was still dripping from me, I sit on the floor, hugging my legs, as I try and understand what was happening.

Flashes of him kept entering into my mind, I could feel the power of his touch, it was so real. The marks on my body, the cream he had left me with, all clear signs that this was definitely more than just a dream, but how? Surely this was not possible. How could a demon enter this world and do this? Wait……It was not like that……………I was going to him.

Turning on the shower, I step inside, letting the water power over my body. Thinking I was being foolish, trying to dismiss the thoughts of my dream, trying to dismiss the marks on my body with no logical explanation to how they got there while I slept. The feeling in my core, the aching of being filled, stretched beyond what should be possible. Not wanting to let myself believe that the dreams, the scratches, the marks, everything was real.

If the dreams were real, what of Theydon…he can’t be real, surely?

It was all just my imagination playing tricks on me, my mind trying to make sense of the things I was feeling. The dreams were my way of dealing with the stresses and uncertainties of my life, a way of giving voice to the desires and fears that I kept hidden away. I longed to feel the loving touch of a man, to share myself with and to have the magical feeling of desire and lust consume my every fibre, yet this was just a dream, a desire for something I had not known or felt for many years. Clearly I must have touched myself, causing the marks, knowing I was crazy to think a dream could actually be reality, I dismiss it. And with that realisation, the memory of Theydon fades, replaced by a sense of sadness and loss.

I dress myself, and begin my day, determined to face reality head-on. As I go about my routine, I can’t help but feel a newfound appreciation for the mundane. The simple act of brushing my teeth, making coffee, walking to work. Each step a reminder that these moments, these little pieces of reality, are what truly make up my life. And while the dream may have been thrilling and intoxicating, it is in the quiet moments of my everyday existence that I find my strength and my courage. Perhaps the dreams were just a way of escaping, like reading a book, or watching a film.

Back home I lay on my sofa and drink some wine to relax. As I slowly drift of to sleep, I find myself back in his darkened world once more. As I look around, Theydon appears as if he was waiting for me, he is angry. He made it clear his anger was due to me dismissing his existence. He shows me that he does in fact exist. While in the midst of the darkness, under the moonlight, he takes my body in ways I would never have known possible, his huge member throbbing inside me, stretching me from his unearthly size, the bulge deep in me, as my channel expands to a size unnatural, yet within this dream my body is distorted and pulled beyond anything imaginable, allowing me to take all of him.

As he pounds into me, he unleashes his pure force into each thrust, pounding so hard the ground shakes beneath us. Suddenly, I am no longer on the ground, he has led down so I am now on him, he moves my body up and down onto his length, it feels as though he is going to go right through me and impale me onto his penis like a trophy to parade around. I feel my body go numb and begin to tremble as a euphoric pleasure engulfs every single cell of my being, shaking so violently, as I feel him unleash into me, the force of his release pouring into my body before gushing out like a waterfall, pushing me from him, leaving me a heap on the ground as he stands over me, looking fierce and for a moment terrifying.

His eyes bore into mine as he growled, bearing his huge fangs as his tongue whipped around them, he stood their, his huge penis, the shape and size so big I couldn’t understand how it was just inside me, the giant end dripping his seed, which was falling on me, as I lay there. Unable to move after what he did.

“You thought I wasn’t real?” He hissed, his voice deep and menacing, as it echoes around us into the darkness.

“You thought I was just a dream?” He boomed.

I couldn’t speak or form any words. All I could do was nod, my head feeling heavy. He smirks then slowly kneels down beside me. He cups my face in his giant hands, his claws digging into my skin.

“I am no dream, Ariel,”

His voice rough and possessive. “I am Theydon, I am powerful.”

And with that, he leans forward, his lips brushing against mine, his tongue pushing past my lips, tasting and claiming me. His hands slide down my body, possessing me, branding me as his, cutting a mark on my chest, a cross with his claw. Despite the blood and the pain, I am lost in the moment as he kisses me, I feel my body respond, tightening around him, eager for more. He chuckles darkly into my mouth, and then pulls back, studying me again.

His eyes narrow, and I feel a shiver run down my spine. He stands, lifting me into his arms once more. As he carries me away, my body tingling, I realise that I didn’t want to wake up from this dream. I don’t want to face reality. I want to stay here, wrapped in his strength and his passion.

He takes me back to his lair, still dark and foreboding, lit only by the flickering torches and the faint glow of moonlight, which poked through the cracks in the cave. The air heavy, with the scent of earth and musk, the sound of water dripping echoes through the stone walls. He lays me on his bed among the soft furs, my body ready for our night together. He kneels beside me, his eyes burning into mine.

“You are mine now, Ariel,” He growls, his voice deep and commanding.

“Do not underestimate my power.”

I shiver, both from fear and from desire. I can feel the power radiating off of him, the raw energy that he wields like a weapon. He leans down, his lips brushing against my neck, sending shivers down my spine. His teeth scrape against my skin, as I arch into him, my hips lifting off the furs. He chuckles darkly, the vibration sending a thrill through me.

“You want me?” He asks, his voice rough and demanding. I nod, still unable to form the words to respond. His fingers trail down my body, cupping my breast, rolling my nipple between his thumb and forefinger. His claws scraping my skin with their razor edge, he groans, the sound vibrating against my skin.

My heart races as I feel his presence wash over me, and I can’t help but become aroused by the thought of what he has in store. His touch electrifying, sending shivers through me, as he trails his fingers across my skin. With each passing second, the room around us seems to heat up, the air becoming thick with desire. I can feel my body tense in anticipation, my breath quickening as I wait for him to make his move. Theydon leans in closer, his lips mere inches from my ear, and whispers something so soft that I can barely make it out. It sends a shudder through my entire body, and I arch my back involuntarily, pressing myself against him.

His hands slide up my body, my heart skips a beat as his claws graze my most intimate places. I gasp, feeling so exposed and yet so wanted at the same time. With a low groan, Theydon pulls away, moving into the darkness, I watch as he disappears, leaving me led on his bed, wanting him. Laying there I feel so exhausted, my body tired and weak. My energy drained, as though I was a run down battery. Feeling my eyes close, I drift off to sleep.

The smell of coffee fills my nose, opening my eyes, I see a hot mug being held before me, seeing Cathy smiling as she held it for me to take.

“Morning, good was he?” She laughs, as I take the coffee.

“Sorry?” I sit up, slightly confused as I glance around the living room. It was then I see Theydon’s loincloth along with the scattered torn remains of my clothes. His loincloth was on the seat next to me, Cathy picks it up, looking at it suspiciously. I then realise, I’m naked, snatching the fabric I hold it over myself. Cathy laughs, she was used to seeing my naked body now and was not bothered.

“What was he dressed as, Thor or something?” Raising an eyebrow at the very worn out piece of fabric, the smell of him radiating from it.

“Oh em…….yeah it was……erm…” I blush, pulling the hot coffee to my lips, I take a sip to distract my thoughts from Theydon, realising he would now be naked, wandering his cave. The thought making my body start to react at the thought.

“Ariel, you little minx.” She laughs, seeing me blushing.

“So, where is he, what’s his name?” She sat next to me, eager to hear more, the excitement in her eyes glowing.

“Oh, Th…..Theo and he left.” I lied, not wanting to go into to much detail.

“So come on Ariel, what was he like, you can’t shut down, seriously?”

“No there’s nothing to tell, honestly.” I look at my mug, unable to look at her.

“Oh yeah, then why do you have that glow?”

“Glow?” I try and sound dumb, knowing full well what she meant.

“Yeah the post incredible sex glow?” Narrowing her eyes at me, she knew I was lying.

“Please Cathy, I will tell you more later. Right now I must sleep.” I put my mug on the table and stand to leave the room.

“Don’t you have work?”

“Oh, I can’t, I just want to sleep.” Heading off to my room quickly, I lay on my bed, get under the blankets, feeling so exhausted, yet scared to close my eyes, despite the longing to see him again, I was completely drained beyond belief. My body ached and needed a rest. As I feel myself drifting off, I am left unsure what will happen, it was daytime. Hoping he would just leave me and let me sleep.

The feeling of heat warms my body as I stir, the uncomfortable feeling as my blankets make me too hot, pulling them off, I lay naked though still feel too hot, as my eyes open and adjust to the darkness, I sit up. My room felt different, the heat in the room felt like there was a fire burning and I was within it, looking around it is then I see him, sat at my desk, the chair turned so he was facing me, his eyes staring. Their green glow unmistakable. Drawing in a breath, he starts moving towards me, though instead of being the giant forbidding beast as before, with horns and sharp deadly claws and fangs which he could kill me with in a second if he chose, they were all gone.

He was a human form, still breathtaking and very well endowed, though he was no longer intimidating or fierce. As he moved onto my bed, I welcome him. Pulling me into his arms he holds me, we lay together in my bed, silent, but for our heavy breathing, his head tucked into my neck as he kisses it, his arms embraces me passionately. I remember what he had whispered when back in his lair, before he left me.

“You will love me.”

As I let him continue to kiss my neck and move his lips down my body, relishing in his gentle touch, closing my eyes, I let his words swim around in my head, laying there, I realised in that moment, I already did.


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