Delicious MindFuck by Samantha Velvet

Writer and Artist: Samantha Velvet

Subject: Delicious MindFuck

Link: LS666 Email / 15.09.2024

Delicious MindFuck

New one “Delicious Mindfuck” — I kept tossing during last night because I couldn’t sleep, my lust was lurking my mind. So after some time, I felt something entering my ass, it was gentle and subtle. I love it. I felt it like i was dreaming and awake at the same time. Not sure what happened. I want to feel it again so much, so so much, but i’m not sure how to achieve this again.


Hail Samantha. Your artworks are amazing — they inspire “MindFucking” thoughts in my consciousness, that mixture of demonic and baphometic beauty that only masturbatory prayers can answer.

Only last night I dreamt of passionately kissing this hot Asian sissy. It was an awakening dream that I didn’t want to leave, as I knew we were about to have anal sex together … but as I wake up, the dream remained incomplete, and I had to masturbate myself to complete this amazing feeling. 

Like you, I’d love to be able to achieve this sexual dreamlike state but I’m not sure how. Maybe someone out there has the answer. 


6 thoughts on “Delicious MindFuck by Samantha Velvet”

  1. Christ be fucked, I love these artworks! It’s like someone saw inside my mind, please do you know where the originals are?

  2. Samantha is it possible to get your artwork and how? It’s so unholy which makes it beautiful. Would you or XP email me information please.
    Thank you, GarySix

  3. Hi, that’s me, thanks XP for sharing them, i usually do these when lust takes over my mind completly, i like sharing them with XP, we’ve talk a couple times, sometimes i use different e-mails because i keep losing some of them, or having to shut them.

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