Deity Fusions And Syncretism by Stellae de Baphometis

Writer: Stellae de Baphometis

Subject: Deity Fusions And Syncretism

Link: Tumblr / 18.07.2024

Author’s Notes:  I just thought this would be an interesting thing to write about lol. I hope you find this as interesting as I do! I only just remembered to make a post about this now (ADHD sucks sometimes lol), so here I am finally getting around to writing about it.

Deity Fusions And Syncretism

It was only a few months ago that I pondered the phenomenon of the syncretic fusions of daemons. Before this, I surprisingly hadn’t even considered it at all.

If you’re a Pagan, you may be familiar with the concept of syncretism; Linking or combining different deities into the identity or body of a singular entity. This was a very common practice in ancient Egyptian religion, with the most notable example being Amun-Ra, a fusion of the two gods, Amun and Ra.

When it comes to practices such as Daemonolatry and Theistic Satanism/Luciferianism, I feel that this phenomenon can apply to the daemonic divine too. For example, some practitioners believe Lucifer and Satan to be separate entities distinct from one another, whereas others may believe they are the same. Everyone has their own unverified personal gnosis (UPG), after all.

But what about the possibility of Lucifer and Satan being two distinct entities that can merge into one singular entity? They would syncretize to become Lucifer-Satan (a.k.a. Satan-Lucifer). Or if you view them to be a singular being, perhaps Lucifer and Satan are just the names for two sides of the same coin; Maybe as a daemon of two-fold aspects, perhaps.

I believe that all daemons can either stand alone as an individual entity or can be fused to become a syncretized singular daemon.

The term “Satan” was originally a title that simply meant, “Accuser,” or “Adversary”. Over time, however, the word, “Satan” eventually became a personification and/or daemon known as, “The Devil.”

The title, “Satan,” has also been applied to several other daemons, such as Lucifer, Belzebuth, Belial, Mephistopheles, Azazel, Asmodeus, Leviathan, Abaddon, Behemoth, and Baphomet. Given that the title, “Satan,” can refer to many daemons, they can fuse and manifest as a unified entity, whether it’s of your UPG, or if it’s simply how they want to appear to you.

I experienced Satan-Baphomet as a fusion daemon at the beginning of my Daemonolatry path, because my UPG at the time was that they were synonymous with one another, and simply just two different names for the same entity. Over time my UPG changed, and I began to view them as two distinct entities; thus, they began to appear to me as such.

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